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Recipe sharing app to learn recipes, share them and more! Developed using Vue 3 + Springboot + MySQL

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Cook Master - Overview

  • Cook Master is a recipe sharing application developed using Vue 3 + Springboot + MySQL
  • It allows users to share recipes, favorite them, learn from others and more
  • First time users need to sign up, others need to login once
  • Comments can be added to give feedback about the recipes!

Pre Requisites

  • Must have Java installed and configured
  • Should know about Maven and SpringBoot
  • Node.js
  • Vue.js 3
  • MySQL DB (I used MySQL provided with Xampp control panel)
  • IDEs I used were IntelliJ Community Edition and VSCode

How to use in your local

  • Download the zip file under the <> Code in this repository
  • Extract it, and you should see there are two folders, one for backend and one for frontend
  • Backend -> SpringBoot, Frontend -> Vue.js 3
  • Start your MySQL server, and create a database named as recipedb
  • Now run the SpringBoot application
  • Next, do npm install for frontend and then start the Vue.js server by typing npm run serve
  • Go to the localhost: and you should see the app's UI!

Idea for an easy way to start the app once setup is done

  • If you find this very complicated to start every time, then you could either write a batch script to start the MySQL, SpringBoot and Vue3 Servers or you could deploy the app after building it.
  • For example:
     @echo off
     REM Start XAMPP (Apache and MySQL)
     echo Starting XAMPP...
     start "" "C:\xampp\xampp_start.exe"
     net start Apache
     net start MySQL
     REM Start Spring Boot application
     echo Starting Spring Boot application...
     start "" "java" "-jar" "path\to\your\cookmaster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
     REM Wait for a few seconds to ensure Spring Boot has started
     timeout /t 10 > nul
     REM Open localhost:8080 in the default web browser
     start http://localhost:8080
     REM Wait for user to close the command prompt window
     echo Press any key to stop servers and exit...
     pause > nul
     REM Stop XAMPP (Apache and MySQL)
     echo Stopping XAMPP...
     net stop Apache
     net stop MySQL


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Attribution Appreciated!


Recipe sharing app to learn recipes, share them and more! Developed using Vue 3 + Springboot + MySQL




