zl_Scriptlets [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2018 Zack Lovatt. All rights reserved.
Series of small, simple utilities for ft-toolbar or any other script launcher.
- addTrimPaths - Adds Trim Paths to selected shape layers
- applyColourFileToColoristaFree - Prompts user to select a CCC/CDL, creates an adj layer w/ Colorista Free with the CDL
- applyPseudoEffect - Write ffx binary string to disk and apply to layer, adaptation of same from @rendertom
- convertNewGaussianBlurToOld - Convert the new (CC 2015.3+) Gaussian Blur effect to Gaussian Blur (Legacy)
- Create Nulls From Paths - Responsive - A responsive layout version of the native "Create Nulls from Paths" panel (as of 2018/04/27)
- deleteKeysAtTime - Delete all keys at current time
- findAllPresetFiles - Returns array of all preset ffx files installed
- forceLegacySkin - Tries to force 'use legacy skin' to ON for specific script passed by filename
- forceLegacySkinForAllScripts - Tries to force 'use legacy skin' to ON for all installed scriptUI panels
- getOSScaleFactor - Returns OS UI/Display scale factor
- loopSelectedLayers - Loop out ('cycle') selected layers
- mistikaVRToAENull - Translates a Mistika VR .grp file to null sliders for yaw/pitch/roll
- moveFirstLayerOfSelectedCompsToEnd - Moves the first layer of each selected comp in project panel to the end of each comp
- newTextLayer - Creates a new text layer
- parentEachToAbove - Parent each selected layer to above layer
- propertyKeysToCubicBezier - Gives an alert of cubic bezier values for each curve between all keys on selected property
- randomizeShapeGroupOrder - Randomize order of selected shape groups
- recursiveEnableMoblur - Recursively enable motion blur on selected comps
- responsiveLayout - Responsive scriptUI panel layout, now supporting multi-dimension buttons
- reverseShapeGroupOrder - Reverse shape group order in a shape layer
- selectDuplicateSourceLayers - Select all layers that are multiple instances of the same file source
- selectKeysAtCTI - Select all keys at current time indicator. Set flag to TRUE to append selection, FALSE to overwrite
- selectKeysInWorkArea - Select all keys under the work area. Set flag to TRUE to append selection, FALSE to overwrite
- selectLaterLayers - Select all layers that start after current time
- setToAvgPosition-Expression - Select three layers; third layer will be expression-set to average position of first two
- setToAvgPosition-Fixed - Select three layers; third layer will be set to average position of first two at current time
- spatialPropToJson - Creates a JSON object of selected spatial properties x/y values
- toggleAppBrightness - Toggles AE brightness between min and max
- toggleJSDebugger - Toggles Javascript debugger enabled/disabled
- toggleTemporalContinuous - Toggles Continuous on selected keys; Run to enable, shift+click to disable.
- ungroupSelectedShapeGroups - Ungroup the selected shape groups
- updateDefaultImportFPS - Prompts the user for to update default import FPS