Plugin for Cordova, giving access to SMS message boxes on Android. - Adroid PhoneGap/Cordova application example program. (c) 2012 David C. Walley. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
This is a full example of a Cordova (PhoneGap) plug-in to read text message boxes. Warning: it uses undocumented features of Android 4.2 and Cordova 2.2
This is also an example of coding in DAVES style. More about DAVES at:
Uses the following Android native-side of the Cordova (formerly 'PhoneGap') plug-in (with directories as in a project created with eclipse Android Developer Tools v21.0.0) src/ // The Android Java native-side of plug-in for Cordova. Copy the following file into your project's libs directory: cordova-2.2.0.jar Ensure the following is in res/xml/config.xml, section: <plugin name="CordovaPlugin_SmsRead" // Give the name value="ca.davidwalley.cordovaplugin_androidsmsexample.CordovaPlugin_SmsRead"/> // and world-wide unique full package name of the plug-in. and JavaScript (for a Cordova(PhoneGap) application), and GUI stuff: // The following are the website-like definition of the Cordova app: assets/www/library/plugin_SmsRead.js // Provide this file, the JavaScript connection to the plug-in. assets/www/index.html // Provide a starting point GUI for our simple example, coded in HTML. assets/www/SmsReaderExample.js // Provide JavaScript defining the logic of this Cordova example application. You will want to add: // This is a Cordova app, so you will need assets/www/library/cordova-2.2.0.js // some JavaScript implementation of Cordova. For this example, you will probably want to add: // This example app happens to use jQuery mobile, so assets/www/library/ // include jQuery mobile styles assets/www/library/ // and some jQuery mobile JavaScript library, assets/www/library/jquery-1.8.3.min.js // and some jQuery version. You must modify AndroidManifest.xml to include (in manifest section): // Need to specify some options for our Android app: // ??? Not sure of exact reason this permission is needed, but it appears to be. // This is permission to access text messages, which is the subject matter of this example. Ensure that you also have (as part of setting up Android Cordova/PhoneGap): <activity android:name="org.apache.cordova.DroidGap" ... > // This refers to Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) for Android, which is what this plug-in example plugs in to. as well as another, existing activity??? somthing like the following: <activity // ??? Is this as simple as it can be? I guess not. android:name="ca.davidwalley.cordovaplugin_androidsmsexample.MainActivity" // Edit this for your app. android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" android:label="@string/app_name" >