An application for creating playlists from the German radio station 1LIVE
- Create a proof-of-concept
- Create a GCP/Firebase project and translate POC into a working app (gather data as other parts get finished)
- Add logic to interface with the Spotify API and create pre-made playlists on my personal account
- Add a webapp (most likely React/Next.js) to give users more insights on the playlists (show gathered data) (Work in progress)
- Add a job for filling up the backlog (already done by hand)
- Expand to other 1LIVE playlists (Neu für den Sektor, DIGGI)
- Add function to replace tracks that have been wrongly mapped
- Add a public facing API for everyone to use (Halted - Maybe will redo on GO)
- Reconsider region of Cloud Functions (thought v2 was still only in ew1 - Firestore is located in ew3)
- Set up alerts for errors
- Request Spotify Extended Quota for unlimited user signups