SPA Laravel E-commerce project. E-commerce platform with REST Api, Multiple Auth (admin , editor , user) and admin panel integration.
- Authentication and Authorization (Breeze Starter kit)
- Multiple Authentication (Admin, Editors, Users)
- Search (Name, Tag, SKU)
- Reports
- Chart report
- Add dynamic product Attributes
- Coupon
- Shipping
- payment gateway
- Site settings
- Mobile First Design
Clone the project:
git clone
Go to the project frontend directory:
cd Laravel-Vue-SPA-Ecommerce/frontend
Install frontend dependencies:
npm install
Run frontend:
npm run dev
Go to the project backend directory:
First open new terminal.
cd Laravel-Vue-SPA-Ecommerce/backend
Install dependencies:
composer install
npm install
Create .env file and copy .env.example to .env, create database name and add into .env database name.
Key Generate
php artisan key:generate
Storage Link
php artisan storage:link
Migrate database:
php artisan migrate --seed
Run project:
php artisan serve
Open another terminal for vite:
cd Laravel-Vue-SPA-Ecommerce/backend
npm run dev
If you work with order, add stripe key and mail config in .env
Client: Vue.js, Pinia, Axios, Bootstrap, sweetalert2
Server: PHP8.2, Laravel10.x, Liveware, Bootstrap