Realtime Chat Application built with the MERN stack.
- JWT Authentication
- One-on-one Private Chat where users can chat with others privately.
- Create a room and start a Room Chat for users who want to broadcast messages to a specific group of users.
- Real-time updates to conversation messages, user online/ offline, read/ unread status, user join/leave room to notify, etc.
- Support both RWD and different themes with light and dark mode
- database - MongoDB
- backend - Express.js & Node.js
- frontend - React.js (with styled-components)
- Real-time messages -
Change .env.example file
- change file name to .env
- go to to create an account and get your avatar api key
- change the VITE_SERVER_URL to your local server port (ex. http://localhost:5000 for server listening to port 5000)
Change .env.example file
- change file name to .env
- go to MongoDB Atlas to create a cluster and change the MONGO_URI
- change the CLIENT_URL to your local client port (ex. http://localhost:3000 for client running on port 3000)
- generate random token for ACCESS/REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET and also COOKIE_SIGNATURE