Awesome web voice assistant for email. Course project of EECS 498-006 FA21@umich
$ python bin/
$ python bin/ --debug
Recommend python3.7+
$ cd backend
$ pip install -e .
$ ./bin/run_backend # debug off
$ ./bin/debug_backend # debug on
- Mark as
- ...
"id": 1,
"command": "unread",
Recommend python3.7+
$ cd nlp
$ pip install -e .
$ ./bin/run_nlp # debug off
$ ./bin/debug_nlp # debug on
For local test, require node>=15.0.0
(we recommend 15.0.1) and npm>=5.6
To install node
with the latest version, we need nvm
(Node Version Manager) on Ubuntu.
$ curl -o- | bash
# restart bash
You can verify that nvm
is installed by calling
$ nvm --version
Then, to install node, you can call
$ nvm install 15.0.1
To verify version of node
, you can call
$ node -v
Then we call install npm
$ sudo apt install npm
Then we set up yarn
using npm
$ cd frontend
$ npm install --global yarn
After that, we can build the app
$ cd frontend
$ yarn install
$ yarn start