Front Porch v1 (a fork of Quartz)
You should see the following when viewing the Front Porch Repo:
Click on the "Fork" button. Once done, you should see the following page:
Use the following format for your fork's name:
For me, that was
I recommend that you keep the "Copy the main branch only" option checked.
Path A - Set up via GitHub's Codespaces Feature (Recommended for people who are new to GitHub and Technical Concepts)
Path B - Set up yourself (Recommended for Technologists)
Path A - Set up via GitHub's Codespaces Feature (Recommended for people who are new to GitHub and Technical Concepts)
After you have created your fork, you should be presented with a page that looks like the following:
Click on the green "Code" button. You should see the following:
Click on the "Create codespace on main" button. This will start up a new codespace for you that's connected to the "main" branch of your front porch. More info about this is in Step A.7.
You should see a page that looks like this:
Important: Whenever you want to edit your front porch in the future, you should click on the "Code" button and click on the codespace that you created. The name of your codespace is in the bottom left-hand corner of your codespace. For example, mine is called "humble space winner."
Front Porch is a fork of Quartz. Quartz relies on existing technologies in order to work. We need to install those technologies in order for everything to work properly.
Enter the following command into your codespace's terminal and execute it:
npm install
Here are two images that show this command in action:
Step A.3 Disclaimer - I am not a lawyer, and the information provided is not legal advice. Please consult a qualified legal professional for legal advice specific to your situation.
Step A.3 - Navigate to the LICENSE.txt file in the your codespace's file explorer and add the following line to the top of the file:
All Rights Reserved.
For reference, you can see how I edited mine.
Location of the Static Folder
Step A.6 - Host your front porch on GitHub so you and the world are able to see all the changes that you make
Follow the following steps from Quartz to host your front porch on github
- Head to “Settings” tab of your forked repository on GitHub and in the sidebar, click “Pages”. Under “Source”, select “GitHub Actions”.
Reference: Hosting
- The deploy.yml file was added for you.
Once done, any "commits" that you submit/push to GitHub will cause your changes to me pushed to your hosted front porch.
For reference, your site will be located at the following url:
For example, for me, this is... (which points to
More info about committing can be found in the next step.
You can view the status of your submissions/pushes by going to the "Actions" tab on your front porch repo on Github.
Here's the url for the Actions tab:<github-username>/<repo-name>/actions
For example, for me, this is...
In order for people to see the changes that you have made to the "main" branch of your front porch, you will need to "stage" and "commit" those changes.
In the following image, you will see that I made an edit and that there's a (1) on top of one of the tabs on the left-hand side. There's a yellow arrow that points to the (1).
If you want a single command that takes care of both steps for you, you can use the following command from Quartz: npx quartz sync
If you want to do these steps manually, here are the instructions based on the above example:
- Click on the tab on the left-hand side that has a (1) on top of it. This tab will open. As you can see below:
- A "+" icon will show up if you hover over the area between "Changes" and the (1) that is below the green "Commit" button. If you click that "+", it will stage everything that is listed in the Changes area. Once that happens, you can enter a relevant message, click commit, and click sync.
What you will see after the changes are staged:
After a message is entered for the commit:
After "Commit" is clicked (Note - I used a different example, but the process is still the same.):
After "Sync Changes" is clicked:
Scroll down until you see it
"Quartz requires at least Node v18.14 and
v9.3.1 to function correctly. Ensure you have this installed on your machine before continuing"
git clone[github-username]/[github-username]
Step B.2 - Use the terminal in order to navigate to your front porch folder and then run npm install
in order to install all of the necessary packages. The dependencies of Front Porch v1.0.0 is consistent with the dependencies that Quartz v4.2.3 relies on.
In order to see a preview of your front porch, you need to use the following command:
npx quartz build --serve
Step B.4 Disclaimer - I am not a lawyer, and the information provided is not legal advice. Please consult a qualified legal professional for legal advice specific to your situation.
All Rights Reserved.
Location of the Static Folder
- Head to “Settings” tab of your forked repository on GitHub and in the sidebar, click “Pages”. Under “Source”, select “GitHub Actions”.
- Commit these changes by doing
npx quartz sync
. This should deploy your site to
Reference: Hosting
- The deploy.yml file was added for you.
Follow the steps that Quartz provides:
Front Porch supports all of the frontmatter fields that Quartz uses.
For example, 'last-modified' field should be added to notes/essays that have been modified. Additionally, the 'date' field specifies the date that a note/essay was initially published.
Here are the frontmatter fields that are unique to Front Porch:
Frontmatter Field | Property Type | Description |
growth-stage | Text | Specifies the growth stage of the piece (possible values - seedling, budding, evergreen, statue)(case-insensitive) |
contributions-enabled | Checkbox | Specifies whether you are fine with people submitting contributions to this piece (ex. additional arguments). You will need to enable "Issues" on your forked repository on GitHub. You can do this by going to Settings and scrolling down to the Features area. The "Issues" checkbox will be there. |
total-contributions | Number | The total number of contributions that you have approved and merged into your piece. The contributions-enabled field must be turned on. |
contributors | List | The contributors that have gotten one of their contributions for this piece approved. The contributions-enabled field must be turned on. |
contributor-links | List | A list of links that direct readers to the website or github profile of each contributor. The order of the links should be consistent with the contributor list. The contributions-enabled field must be turned on. |
cover-image | Text | The name and file extension of the image that you want to show up as the cover image for the piece. The image needs to be added to the "item-cover" folder in the "static" folder. |
cover-image-alt-text | Text | The alternative text that should be used for the image in the event that a screen reader is being used. The cover-image field needs to be set. |
team | List | The people that were on the team (including you). |
tech | List | The technology that was used for the project. |
tools | List | The tools that were used for the project. |
duration | Text | The duration of the project. |
role | List | The roles that you had while working on the project. |