Dear users. We would like to introduce you to the latest forum for DataLife Engine from version 13.3 to 14.1. This forum used to be adapted to very old versions of the engine, now it is adapted to the latest versions and many changes have been made.
For this version, the following changes have been made:
Version 2.7.1 Rev.2 (not finished) by DarkLane and Dj_AlexN
- Partial rewriting of the forum code under PHP8-8.2
- Fixed a number of bugs in the operation of the forum - Fixed the display of the FAQ on the page
- Added new forum icons
- Improved the appearance of the Administration Panel
- Added a new look for the Offline page
- Changed the appearance of the forum category
- Fixed the appearance of the administration panel when adding a new subcategory.
Version 2.7.1 Rev.1 by DarkLane and Dj_AlexN
- Warning system when you and another user publish at the same time
- Message summary when replying to a message
- New theme created
- New search system
- New installation using a plugin so that you, as a user and owner of your portal, do not do anything in the files. When a plug-in is uninstalled, all folders, files and data in the database are deleted with the plug-in.
- Fixed appearance in the administration panel
- Rewriting and adaptation of the Forum code to PHP 7.x (adaptation to 8.x is in progress)
- The EMOJI emoticon system found in the new DLE versions has been added.
- Fixed a number of bugs with emailing, topic editing, RSS feeds and more.
- Custom CSS for the BBCode forum editor
- Possibility to integrate the Forum with DLE or on the full page or on a separate sub-page
Version 2.6.3 rev3.1
- Added a module to display all user messages.
- Added the RSS module (displays the last 20 topics of all forums and the last 20 topics of a specific forum).
- Added the possibility to create unlimited nesting of sub-forums.
- Added the "Profile" menu with links: My subscriptions, My topics, My news.
- Added the possibility to create a forum category (inactive forum for sub-forums).
- Added the possibility to create a link to the forum (when you enter it, it redirects to the link provided).
- Added the possibility to switch the user to read mode from the alert module by the moderator.
- Added the possibility to block the user from the alert module by the moderator.
- Added the possibility to delete messages in another forum when deleting a forum.
- Added sub-forums with a list of parameter separators.
- Added list of moderator parameter separators.
- Possibility to quote added smiles (only in new posts).
- The improved "New posts" module now only displays topics from the available forum sections.
- Improved user output module, now only shows topics from the available forum sections.
- Completely rewritten access bar (now shows complete attachments).
- Statistics on the number of topics and posts in the forum are added to sub-forums.
- Fixed 3 bugs and gaps found.
- new responsive design.
- Correction, adaptation of infrastructures.
- Addition of the gravatar service
Version 2.6.3 by DarkLane
- Who's online?" module Added
- Addition of the "FAQ" module
- Correction of files for the switch to php 7
Website Dj_AlexN:
Website DarkL4ne: