Full stack academic ISA project. A web application for managing blood donations and deliveries, with multiple centers and stakeholders.
- Donor scheduling of blood donation appointments
- Blood bank management system
- User authentication and authorization
- Multiple center support -PostgreSQL database
- Angular
- Spring Boot
- PostgresSQL
- Java
- RabbitMQ
- Node.js
- Angular CLI
- PosgtresSQL server
- RabbitMQ server
To start the Spring Boot application, make sure you have a Postgres database bloodbank ready. In the application properties set up username and password for your postres user (you can make a new one or use the default user posgtres). After starting the application, it will be available on default Spring boot port 8080. The Spring boot application is using Swagger so application url is http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html.
For the Angular application install all dependecies (npm install) and have the backend running.
- Donor : barbara password: password
- System administrator : admin password: password
- Center administrator : ivi password: password