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Data Pipeline Overview

The data pipeline for this project is designed to scrape, process, and transform episode data from the Comedy Bang Bang Wiki into a structured database. This pipeline also generates JSON files for network visualization. Below is a step-by-step breakdown of the pipeline:

1. Scrape Episode Data

  • Command: write_episodes
  • Description: Scrapes episode information from the Comedy Bang Bang Wiki, including episode titles, numbers, release dates, guests, and characters. The scraped data is saved to a CSV file (episode-characters.csv).
  • Output: A CSV file containing raw episode data.

2. Import Episode Data

  • Command: import_episodes
  • Description: Reads the scraped CSV file and imports the data into the database. This step creates or updates episodes, characters, and guests while establishing relationships between them.
  • Output: Populated database with episodes, characters, and guests.

3. Clean Data

  • Command: clean_data
  • Description: Identifies and resolves duplicate entries for characters and guests using fuzzy matching. Prompts the user for manual input to confirm merges when ambiguities arise.
  • Output: Cleaned and validated database records.

4. Connect Characters and Guests

  • Command: connect_characters_guests
  • Description: Reads a character-actor.csv file to establish relationships between characters and their corresponding guests (e.g., actors voicing characters). Creates or retrieves database records for characters and guests as needed.
  • Output: Established ManyToMany relationships between characters and guests.

5. Fix Episode Numbers

  • Command: fix_episode_numbers
  • Description: Standardizes episode numbers by truncating excessively long numbers to three digits if they lack a decimal point.
  • Output: Standardized episode numbers in the database.

6. Generate Network Data

  • Command: general_generate_network_data
  • Description: Creates co-appearance networks for characters or guests. The generated network data includes nodes and edges for visualization purposes. Outputs are saved as JSON files in a specified directory.
  • Output: JSON files (characters_components.json, guests_components.json) for frontend visualization.

7. Master Script

  • Command: run_all_import_create
  • Description: Orchestrates the entire pipeline by running all the above commands in sequence. This script ensures the database and visualization files are fully updated.
  • Output: Fully processed database and up-to-date JSON files.

Planned Improvements

  • Incremental Updates: Modify the scraping step to fetch only episodes released after the last update.
  • Automated Data Cleaning: Reduce manual intervention during the data cleaning step by automating high-confidence merges.
  • Error Handling: Enhance error logging to ensure that partial pipeline failures do not halt the entire process.

Views Overview

This section provides an overview of the views in the application, highlighting whether they use static files or models, and explaining their purpose.

View Static Files Models Purpose
NetworkData ✅ (CharacterComponent, GuestComponent) Fetches precomputed network component data from static JSON files and maps it to components stored in the database for additional metadata.
ComponentsSummary ✅ (CharacterComponent, GuestComponent) Reads static JSON files to provide summary statistics about network components and combines this with metadata stored in the database.
CharacterDetailView ✅ (Character, Actor, Episode) Retrieves detailed information about a character, including related actors, episodes, and the character's component data, all stored in the database.
GuestDetailView ✅ (Guest, Character, Episode) Provides detailed information about a guest, including their appearances in episodes and interactions with characters, all from the database.
EpisodeDetailView ✅ (Episode, Character, Guest) Fetches details about all episodes, including associated characters and guests, from the database.
ShortestPathView ✅ (Character, Guest, ShortestPath) Computes the shortest path between two nodes in a network (either characters or guests), based on precomputed paths stored in the database.

Static Files and Models Usage

  1. Static Files:

    • Static JSON files ({entity_type}_components_updated.json) are used in NetworkData and ComponentsSummary views to store precomputed network data. These files provide component-specific details such as nodes and edges.
    • These static files reduce database query complexity and improve performance for operations that do not require frequent updates.
  2. Database Models:

    • The database models (CharacterComponent, GuestComponent, Character, Guest, Episode, ShortestPath) provide dynamic metadata or relationships that are not stored in static files.
    • For example, NetworkData uses models to map static file data to specific components in the database, ensuring consistency and detailed metadata.

Design Rationale

Combining static files with database models is intended to balance performance with flexibility:

  • Static files allow for faster access to large datasets that change infrequently.
  • Database models ensure dynamic relationships and metadata are up-to-date.


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