A compendium of resources for Monster Hunter Frontier Z (MHF-Z).
We have a Google Forms where you can submit your feedback on the website.
- The theme and color palette used by the website is Catppuccin.
- The design and icons used in this project are part of Carbon Design System.
- The typeface is IBM Plex. Additional fonts used is the in-game one, MS Gothic, and the Monster Hunter font made by XMitsarugiX.
- The combo element icons are made by Narwhaler.
- Weapons, Armor, Carve and Tools icons are made by Jeremiah V10.
- The render for Golden Deviljho and Shifting Mi Ru are made by Siroos.
- Additional game icons can be found in the Fanon Wiki. Icons based on these are licensed under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise specified.