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DragonEggBedrockBreaking edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 7 revisions



This mod has no hard dependencies, and will run on its own. However, installing Fabric API for Fabric or Quilted Standard Libraries for Quilt is recommended. This mod also has some libraries included in the jar, which leads to the increased file size.


Here are a list of all libraries that are included inside the jar file in the latest release, along with their purpose, license, and links.

  • h2 is an SQL database. It is the core system for the command configuration part of the mod. Using an only in-memory database plus memoization using the caffeine lib (details below) allows for the use of an SQL database to not be a serious performance hit, although it's still noticable. This is the easiest way to essentially store tables of data, while accessing quickly by column/row names. It is available under the MPL 2.0 and EPL 1.0 licenses.
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