Dreamo is a real-time, biosensor and music driven video generator. We designed it to be deeply customizable, but still approachable using the default configuration.
Visit dreamo-italy.io to learn more.
Repository for "Dreamo" project | Polytechnic of Turin |.
Current team Francesco Cretti, Giovanni Bologni, Nicola Ruffino, Andrea Gambedotti, Lorenzo de Luca.
- [Processing 3 or higher] (https://processing.org/download/)
- "Minim" library installed on Processing ( Processing -> Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library... -> Search for "Minim" )
- "ControlP5" library installed on Processing (same way as Minim)
- "Grafica" library installed on Processing (same way as Minim)
- Java 8 or higher
Download the latest unstable Dreamo release, with "Clone or Download"->"Download ZIP"
If you want to know more about using Dreamo or developing code for Dreamo, keep reading this readme.
Here follows a generic description of the classes of the program:
Particle is the core visual-object class, from which a great number of different classes can be inherited (particles, stars, bubbles, squares...).
Scene includes an array of particles and manages their update and drawing on screen.
Stage includes an array of scenes and manages the passage from one scene to another.
- DSP is a static class containing digital signal processing methods
- AudioManager manages the input stream properties
- AudioProcessor manages the samples buffer and does common calculations (FFT, xcorr,...)
- FeaturesExtractor is a superclass with utilities methods for features extractors
- actual features extractor are inherited from FeaturesExtractor and contain the actual computational methods (ex: Dynamic, Timbre...)
- Audio Decisor calculates the "status" of audio and extract parameters useful for graphic generation
By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. To learn more, you can write to [email protected]