Exercise 01 for SOFT165 module
This project repository is for SOFT165 students to practice interacting with a Git repository.
During the course of the next 6 weeks you will carry out web development activities, practicing and then demonstrating your skills.
The first exercise is for you to clone the repository, create a branch for your development activities, then push the code back onto the repo.
You are then expected to work on the Dev branch you have created, merging only when the code has been reviewed.
• To experience the Git workflow (see section on Git Workflow)
o To create your own personal GitHub profile if you do not have one.
o To generate your own public and private SSH keys, then add the public key to your GitHub profile
o To connect using SSH to the given assignment at https://classroom.github.com/a/YurnCn68 which will in turn create a repo for you.
• To set up your own development environment for developing a web application.
o To clone the given Git repository onto your own machine for working
o To create a branch for development in the given Git repository
o To commit your changes, and push back your code to the given Git repository
• To add your own functionality to a basic web application structure where you create a treasure hunt page. More details of what is required is given below in the Application section.
o Week 1: Create a welcome page using HTML and PHP as appropriate containing your profile information (Name, picture, something you would like to share about yourself).
• To develop skills in using HTML and CSS through the use of a front-end framework such as Bootstrap.
Please carry out the following actions this week:
- Create your own private GitHub account if you have not done so already. Remember to sign up for a free plan. https://help.github.com/articles/signing-up-for-a-new-github-account/
- Create your own SSH keys, save your private key to a USB stick or to OneDrive. Upload your public key to your GitHub profile. https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account/
- Navigate to https://classroom.github.com/a/YurnCn68 and accept the SOFT165 Practicals assignment. This will give you your own repository for the practical.
- Using NetBeans clone your newly created git repo using SSH. Copy the SSH link from the green button saying "Clone or Download" Choose “Clone with SSH”.
- Create a branch off the repository using “dev” as the name of the branch.
- Create the functionality as outlined for week 1 in your Dev branch.
- Edit the main index page in the web application so that your page is linked to the front page.
- Push your code back to the repo
- Create a pull request to review your application.