-i,--input [REQUIRED] path to input filterbank file.
-o,--output [REQUIRED] output filterbank file. path to filterbank file written to.
-s,--seconds =INF number of seconds to process, by default whole file is processed.
-m,--mode = 1 [OPTIONS = 0, 1, 2, 3]
- mode 0: No RFI mitigation.
- mode 1: Flag time samples with an outlier mean intensity.
- mode 2: Edge thresholding.
- mode 3: Edge thresholding then flag time samples with an outlier mean intensity.
--num_samples =43657 number of sample per rfi event.
-n,--num_iteratations =1 number of times to loop over the data.
--mad_threshold =3.5 threshold used for edge thresholding.
--std_threshold =2.5 threshold for flagging time samples.
--rfi_mode =2 [OPTIONS = 1, 2]
- option 1: Replace RFI with zeros.
- option 2: Replace RFI with median of the frequeny channel.