See also the Wiki Entry Contact me ingame RedEyeEagle
##2.2.0 ####Requires EQdkp 2.3
- new function for hide roles in the calendar
- new roles and icons (and source to create own)
- fix for some items
- add modules item
- add Muesum drop from NYR elite
- add itempictures from Eidolon nm
- add new Event Icons
- add and adjust new events/Itempools and the MultiDKP Pool
load default roles in Roles Managment
Purge Item Cache
- add Shamabala
- 18h Raidcooldown
- Items (NM Raids, PVP Signets, Aegis Stuff)
- some Items fixes
load default profile fields in Profile fields Managment
##2.1.8 ####Requires EQdkp 2.1
Only infotooltip Update:
- add Flappy Loot
- add some missing Imgaes
- 3d heroic still with placeholder, but nicer
In case of Issues, purge the itemtooltip Cache.
##2.1.7 ####Requires EQdkp 2.1
Add issue 12 Information's:
- rename "Tokio" Placeholder Event to "Flappy" and give them an new Icon
- change Items from Eidolon from 10.1 to 10.3
- add the 3. heroic Item (without Img)
- Add the Wings, PVP Zones, TL Access
- Add Augment Resonator Items(DE/EN/FR)
- Add Informations for Guildbank (DE/EN/FR)