Stream Aligner and Time stamp utility for the ESROCOS framework. This utility is only useful in the dataflow of component-based systems, this is in port-driven functions of TASTE. The processing is done asynchronously: components process data as it arrives. Since different processing chains have different computation times, it means that our carefully timestamped data will most probably arrive out-of-order at the components that need it.
Let’s see, as an example, the following processing chain:
In this chain, sensors are fused through two paths. One path processes lidar data to remove outliers and body parts (laser filter). In another path, a stereo camera rig is used to generate a separate point clouds. The two informations are then merged to form a pointcloud that is represented in a frame that is centered on the body, but aligned to the world (i.e. a tabletop would look horizontal even if the robot’s body is on an incline). To achieve this, a motion tracker gives the pose of the body in the reference frame.
The Stream Aligner ensures that data is processed in order by (1) queueing timestamped data, and (2) calling registered callbacks in the order of the timestamps. The general principle is therefore that:
- one callback is registered for each data stream.
- data is pushed as it arrives in the corresponding streams. The leading assumption is that, on each stream, the timestamps are monotonous (they don’t go back in time).
- the respective callbacks get called when it is time to process the relevant samples. This is done only when the stream aligner determined that no sample from other streams can arrive with an earlier timestamp then the one that is being passed to a callback.
Let’s look at the example of the laser filter again:
If, as this diagram shows, the laser filter starts processing as soon as the lidar sample arrives, it means that the stream aligner would, in this case, have determined that it is impossible that a motion tracker sample arrives in between the first motion tracker and first lidar samples.
With no additional information, however, the stream aligner would have to wait that another sample arrives on the motion tracker before processing the first laser sample:
Which builds up latency...To avoid this, the stream aligner allows to set a period parameter on each stream. This period parameter (which is also called lookahead in event-based systems) is the time after a sample in which there is a guarantee that no other sample arrives. It is called period in the stream aligner as it is the value of the input periods, for periodic inputs such as common robotic sensors. When visualizing the period, the above example looks therefore like:
Because processing based on the stream aligner is based on the fact that samples are passed in-order, the stream aligner must drop samples that arrive “in the past”, i.e. that arrive with an earlier timestamp that the last sample “played” by the stream aligner. So, it is better to give a period that is lower than the actual sensor period so that the aligner does not drop samples unnecessarily.
In order to not wait forever for samples that will never arrive (lost samples), the stream aligner also allows to set a timeout parameter, which is the highest latency that the aligner would allow to build up. When the latency induced by the stream aligner is higher than this value, the aligner starts playing queued samples regardless of the fact that, in principle, some samples should arrive on the other streams. If these samples do arrive anyway, they will therefore get dropped. This parameter is therefore a trade-off between the maximum latency that the processing chain can accept and how exact the result needs to be.
There is an example of usage in the test folder
The example has three streams, one for string
, one for double
and a third
one for integer
type. The Stream Aligner processes the samples and executes
them in the right order according to the given information. The example is
graphically depicted in the following:
Right configuration values are given in order for the Stream Aligner to
interpret the timing. The first number to consider is the NUMBER_OF_STREAMS
because the Stream Aligner is a static and fully templated class. The following
values are WINDOW_SIZE
and samples period (e.g., S1_PERIOD
) in order to size
the circular buffer. Those values define how many samples you want to store in
the buffer. Once these values are defined, the priority (optional) can be set.
Normally, the stream with highest frequency has the highest priority. The code
with the configuration values is here:
/** Number of streams or provided interfaces (config value) **/
/** Windows size in seconds **/
#define WINDOW_SIZE 5
/** Stream periods (configuration value) **/
#define S1_PERIOD 2.0
#define S2_PERIOD 0.5
#define S3_PERIOD 1.0
/** Stream aligner timeout (config value)
* this defines the highest larency **/
#define TIMEOUT S1_PERIOD+0.01 //a bit bigger than the lowest period
/** Buffer size as a computation of timeout and period scaled witha factor
* typical two in order to store two cycles of timeout**/
/** When samples have the same time, the priority defines which one to choose at
* first **/
#define LOW_PRIORITY 3
The stream aligner object can now be instantiated. The timeout is the maximum time the Stream Aligner will wait for a sample in order to consider that sample valid to play with the rest of samples in the stream. The timeout is set and the streams are registered in the following:
/**The aligner has a NUMBER_OF_STREAMS fixed size **/
stream_aligner::StreamAligner<NUMBER_OF_STREAMS> aligner;
const size_t N_S1 = static_cast<size_t>(BUFFER_SIZE_S1);
const size_t N_S2 = static_cast<size_t>(BUFFER_SIZE_S2);
const size_t N_S3 = static_cast<size_t>(BUFFER_SIZE_S3);
/** Set the timeout **/
/** Each stream can have a different size according to the period **/
/** callback, period_time, (optional) priority **/
/** The stream with the highest frequency should have the highest priority **/
int s1 = aligner.registerStream<std::string, N_S1>(&string_callback, base::Time::fromSeconds(S1_PERIOD), LOW_PRIORITY);
int s2 = aligner.registerStream<double, N_S2>(&double_callback, base::Time::fromSeconds(S2_PERIOD), HIGH_PRIORITY);
int s3 = aligner.registerStream<int, N_S3>(&int_callback, base::Time::fromSeconds(S3_PERIOD), MEDIUM_PRIORITY);
Now, we can start pushing samples in the streams. Normally, pushing and popping
data (step method) will appear in the same loop. However, for simplicity we
first push the samples and then pop all the samples in that order. The following
code push four samples in the first stream (s1
), but three are pushed since one
sample arrives late on time:
/** Push samples in stream 1 **/
aligner.push<std::string, N_S1>(s1, base::Time::fromSeconds(1.0), std::string("a"));
aligner.push<std::string, N_S1>(s1, base::Time::fromSeconds(3.0), std::string("b"));
aligner.push<std::string, N_S1>(s1, base::Time::fromSeconds(2.0), std::string("k")); //arrives in the past
aligner.push<std::string, N_S1>(s1, base::Time::fromSeconds(5.0), std::string("c"));
We push samples in s2
and s3
/** Push samples in stream 2 **/
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(1.0), 0.3186);
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(1.5), 0.3265);
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(2.0), 0.3386);
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(2.5), 0.3405);
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(3.0), 0.3589);
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(3.5), 0.3656);
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(4.0), 0.3758);
/** Push samples in stream 3 **/
aligner.push<int, N_S3>(s3, base::Time::fromSeconds(1.0), 20);
aligner.push<int, N_S3>(s3, base::Time::fromSeconds(2.0), 21);
aligner.push<int, N_S3>(s3, base::Time::fromSeconds(3.0), 22);
aligner.push<int, N_S3>(s3, base::Time::fromSeconds(4.0), 23);
aligner.push<int, N_S3>(s3, base::Time::fromSeconds(5.0), 24);
We can now run the example test and see the output, but first we have to add the
method to pop the samples and execute the call_back function in the
right order.
The console output of the program would be:
root@taste#️ ./build/test/example-usage
double last_sample[19700101-00:00:01:000000]: 0.318600
Integer last_sample[19700101-00:00:01:000000]: 20
String last_sample[19700101-00:00:01:000000]: a
Double last_sample[19700101-00:00:01:500000]: 0.326500
Double last_sample[19700101-00:00:02:000000]: 0.338600
Integer last_sample[19700101-00:00:02:000000]: 21
Double last_sample[19700101-00:00:02:500000]: 0.340500
Double last_sample[19700101-00:00:03:000000]: 0.358900
Integer last_sample[19700101-00:00:03:000000]: 22
String last_sample[19700101-00:00:03:000000]: b
Double last_sample[19700101-00:00:03:500000]: 0.365600
Double last_sample[19700101-00:00:04:000000]: 0.375800
Integer last_sample[19700101-00:00:04:000000]: 23
We can see that the Stream Aligner did not process the sample that arrived late
in s1
(with value k
). In addition, the Stream Aligner does not process the last samples in s1
and s3
because it is waiting for a sample in the s2
. Until the sample
is not pushed in s2
, the step()
method cannot process the samples on the
other streams:
/** Push the sample that is missing **/
aligner.push<double, N_S2>(s2, base::Time::fromSeconds(4.5), 0.3858);
/** Keep processing the samples **/
This create the following ouput when further processing the samples:
Double last_sample[19700101-00:00:04:500000]: 0.385800
Integer last_sample[19700101-00:00:05:000000]: 24
String last_sample[19700101-00:00:05:000000]: c
These samples are bound together according to the timeout. In addition, it is
important to see the effect of the priority values. A low number entails a high
priority. This is visible in the order of processing sample 24
and c
, from
and s3
, which both have the same timestamp of 5 seconds
Similar effect occurred in processing samples 0.3186
and 20
from s2
and s3
at timestamp 1 second
More information regarding the Stream Aligner and a similar usage in another component-based system like Rock is available here