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stevenrbrandt edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 1 revision

This is a first cut at a todo list. People should put their names next to various things and update them as time goes by.

  • Profiling
  • Vector Potential
  • Initial conditions
    • Single star
  • High level Python interface with NRPy+
    • Steve and Sam
  • Multiblock
    • Contains unit test framework
  • Unit tests
  • Horizon Finder
  • Wave extraction
  • AMR refinement criteria
    • More resolution in the region where two BNS touch, in the shear instability
    • Look at GrChombo mesh refinement critera
    • Look at Specter mesh refinement critera
    • Look at HAD code
    • Look at Praetorius
    • Look at Steve Liebling
    • Test with shock tube
  • Visualization
    • Silo format to Visit
    • Reader for Python, one exists for OpenPMD
  • Diagnostics
    • Rest mass conservation
    • Fluid flow through surfaces (outflow thorn) should be easy to port
  • Reproduce something
    • Orbiting Neutron stars collapse to a black hole
    • Shear resolution by Japan group
    • Isolated TOV, code check
  • Source Terms
  • Equation of State
    • Keep it Simple
    • Atmosphere handling
    • Which tabulated EOS would we use? Want to fix on a table
    • Erik will push something about reading tables from compose
  • Con2Prim
    • Roland suggests we look at different con2prim schemes with a library and python codes
    • Erik suggests we implement the Reprimand algo (no proper support for temperature or neutrinos)
    • Atmosphere terms
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