- When a Player Dies, They Lose Money
- Money Loss on Death is Configurable
- Killer gets the money after killing a player (optional)
- Money loss on natural deaths (optional)
- Very customizable
- This plugin Requires EconomyAPI by OneBone
# How much money will the victi'sm lose when they die? Type Options: "all", "half", "percent", "amount"
# all = Removes all of the victim's Money when they die
# half = Removes half of the victim's Money when they die
# percent = Removes a percentage of the victim's money. Example, If Money-Loss = 25, 25% of the victim's money will be removed
# amount = Removed the specified amount of money. Example, If Money-Loss = 25, the victim's will lost $25.
Type: percent
# Money-Loss: does not need to be set if Type: is set to "all" or "half"
Money-Loss: 25
# Should the victim lose money if they are not killed by another player
LoseMoneyNaturally: false
# Should the killer gain the money the victim lost?
KillerGainMoney: true
- Icon from www.flaticon.com