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Elyahu41 committed Dec 26, 2023
1 parent b63f2da commit 2d34cf2
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Showing 2 changed files with 279 additions and 2 deletions.
279 changes: 278 additions & 1 deletion Sources/KosherSwift/ComplexZmanimCalendar.swift
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Expand Up @@ -1173,12 +1173,30 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
return getSunriseOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith: ComplexZmanimCalendar.ZENITH_9_POINT_5);

* This method returns <em>misheyakir</em> as 6 zmaniyot minutes after ``getAlos72Zmanis()``. This is how Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef calculates this zman as implemented in the Ohr Hachaim calendar.
* @return the <code>Date</code> of <em>misheyakir</em>. If the calculation can't be computed such as
* northern and southern locations even south of the Arctic Circle and north of the Antarctic Circle where
* the sun may not reach low enough below the horizon for this calculation, a <code>nil</code> will be returned.
* See detailed explanation on top of the ``AstronomicalCalendar`` documentation.
public func getMisheyakir66MinutesZmanit() -> Date? {
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis()
let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getAlos72Zmanis(), offset: 6 * Double(dakahZmanit))

* This method returns <em>misheyakir</em> as 12 zmaniyot minutes after ``getAlos72Zmanis()``.
* @return the <code>Date</code> of <em>misheyakir</em>. If the calculation can't be computed such as
* northern and southern locations even south of the Arctic Circle and north of the Antarctic Circle where
* the sun may not reach low enough below the horizon for this calculation, a <code>nil</code> will be returned.
* See detailed explanation on top of the ``AstronomicalCalendar`` documentation.
public func getMisheyakir60MinutesZmanit() -> Date? {
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis()
let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2884,6 +2902,18 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getElevationAdjustedSunset(), offset: getAteretTorahSunsetOffset() * ComplexZmanimCalendar.MINUTE_MILLIS);

* This method returns <em>tzais</em> calculated as however many minutes you pass in the parameter after sunset.
* @param minutes the amount of minutes tzais is after sunset
* @return the <code>Date</code> representing however many minutes
* after sunset. If the calculation can't be computed such as in the Arctic Circle where there is
* at least one day a year where the sun does not rise, and one where it does not set, a <code>nil</code> will
* be returned. See detailed explanation on top of the ``AstronomicalCalendar`` documentation.
public func getTzaisAteretTorah(minutes:Double) -> Date? {
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getElevationAdjustedSunset(), offset: minutes * ComplexZmanimCalendar.MINUTE_MILLIS);

* Returns the offset in minutes after sunset used to calculate <em>tzais</em> based on the calculations of
* <em>Chacham</em> Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah calculations. The default value is 40 minutes.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3056,7 +3086,7 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
* documentation.
* @see getAlos72Zmanis()
public func getTzais13Point5Zmanis() -> Date? {
public func getTzais13Point5MinutesZmanis() -> Date? {
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanisGra()
let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getSunset(), offset: (13 * dakahZmanit) + (dakahZmanit / 2))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3874,6 +3904,35 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getAlos72(), offset: getShaahZmanisMGA() * 5);

* FIXME adjust for syncronous
* This method returns the latest time for burning <em>chametz</em> on <em>Erev Pesach</em> according to the opinion of
* the <a href="">Magen Avraham (MGA)</a> based on <em>alos</em>
* being ``getAlos72()`` 72 minutes before ``getSunrise()`` This time is 5
* ``getShaahZmanisMGA()`` <em>shaos zmaniyos</em> (temporal hours) after ``getAlos72()`` dawn based on the opinion of
* the MGA that the day is calculated from a ``getAlos72()`` dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to ``
* ``getTzais72()`` nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 5 x ``getShaahZmanisMGA()`` after
* ``getAlos72()`` dawn. If it is not <em>erev Pesach</em>, a nil will be returned.
* @todo in v 3.0.0 enable the calendar check for erev pesach and return <code>nil</code> in all other cases.
* @return the <code>Date</code> of the latest time for burning <em>chametz</em> on <em>Erev Pesach</em>. If it is not
* <em>erev Pesach</em> or the calculation can't be computed such as in the Arctic Circle where there is at
* least one day a year where the sun does not rise, and one where it does not set), a <code>nil</code> will be
* returned. See detailed explanation on top of the ``AstronomicalCalendar`` documentation.
* @see getShaahZmanisMGA()
* @see getAlos72()
public func getSofZmanBiurChametzMGA72MinutesZmanis() -> Date? {
/*JewishCalendar jewishCalendar = new JewishCalendar();
jewishCalendar.setGregorianDate(getCalendar().get(Calendar.YEAR), getCalendar().get(Calendar.MONTH),
if (jewishCalendar.getJewishMonth() == JewishCalendar.NISSAN && jewishCalendar.getJewishDayOfMonth() == 14) {
return getTimeOffset(getAlos72(), getShaahZmanisMGA() * 5);
} else {
return nil;
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getAlos72Zmanis(), offset: getShaahZmanisMGA() * 5);

* FIXME adjust for syncronous
* This method returns the latest time for burning <em>chametz</em> on <em>Erev Pesach</em> according to the opinion
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4495,4 +4554,222 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
public func getSamuchLeMinchaKetana72Minutes() -> Date? {
return getSamuchLeMinchaKetana(startOfDay: getAlos72(), endOfDay: getTzais72(), synchronous: true);

// these methods are not included in KosherJava, however, I am adding them because of convenience

This method returns chatzos as a half way point between sunrise and sunset unless the location is in a place that does not have sunrise of sunset. Then it will return UTCNoon which is an astronomical chatzos.
public func getChatzosIfHalfDayNil() -> Date? {
if getSunTransit(startOfDay: getSunrise(), endOfDay: getSunset()) == nil {
return getSunTransit()
} else {
return getSunTransit(startOfDay: getSunrise(), endOfDay: getSunset())

* This method returns the time of <em>plag hamincha</em> according to the Yalkut Yosef. This is calculated as -1.25 hours before
* ``getTzais13Point5Zmanis()`` dawn.
* @return the <code>Date</code> of the time of <em>plag hamincha</em>. If the calculation can't be computed such as
* in the Arctic Circle where there is at least one day a year where the sun does not rise, and one where it
* does not set, a <code>nil</code> will be returned. See detailed explanation on top of the
* ``AstronomicalCalendar`` documentation.
public func getPlagHaminchaYalkutYosef() -> Date? {
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanisGra()
let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getTzais13Point5MinutesZmanis(), offset: -(shaahZmanit + (15 * dakahZmanit)))

* Yalkut Yosef holds that the time for Plag Hamincha is calculated by taking 1.25 "seasonal hours" (Sha'ot Zmaniot) from tzait hacochavim.
* This is how Rabbi Dahan calculates Plag Hamincha in his Amudei Horaah calendar with his own algorithm for tzait hacochavim.
* Note: The Amudei Horaah calendar provides both the Yalkut Yosef and Halacha Berurah times for Plag Hamincha. (No elevation adjustment is used)
* @return the time for Plag Hamincha as calculated by the Amudei Horaah calendar and Yalkut Yosef.
public func getPlagHaminchaYalkutYosefAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
let shaahZmanit = getTemporalHour(startOfDay: getSeaLevelSunrise(), endOfDay: getSeaLevelSunset())
let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getTzaisAmudeiHoraah(), offset: -(shaahZmanit + (15 * dakahZmanit)));

* This method returns the time of alot hashachar (dawn) calculated by the Amudei Horaah calendar. While normally this is calculated as 72 zmaniyot
* minutes before sunrise, Rabbi Dahan says that the zmanim need to be adjusted for more northern/southern locations. He calculates the time as
* zmaniyot minutes/seconds, however, he adjusts it based on the location and 16.04 degrees (72 zmaniyot minutes in Israel).
* <p>
* For example: If you wanted to calculate when alot is for NY, USA, you would first calculate the amount of regular minutes there are in an equinox
* day between sunrise and 16.04 degrees before sunrise. In NY, this would lead you to around 80 minutes. You would then minus 80 zmaniyot minutes to
* the time of sunrise to get the time of alot.
* <p>
* This is how Rabbi Dahan calculates the zmanim for alot and tzait in the Amudei Horaah calendar.
* - Warning: This zman should NOT be used in Israel.
* @return the time of alot hashachar (dawn) calculated by the Amudei Horaah calendar by adjusting the zman based off of degrees. This zman
* should NOT be used in Israel.
public func getAlosAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
var calendar = Calendar.current
calendar.timeZone = geoLocation.timeZone
let temp = workingDate
workingDate = DateComponents(year: calendar.component(.year, from: workingDate), month: 3, day: 17))!
let alotBy16Degrees = getSunriseOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith:ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 16.04)
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanisGra()

if (shaahZmanit == .min) {
return nil;
let numberOfSeconds = ((getSeaLevelSunrise()!.timeIntervalSince1970 - alotBy16Degrees!.timeIntervalSince1970))
workingDate = temp//reset

let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
let secondsZmanit = dakahZmanit / 60

return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getSeaLevelSunrise(), offset: -(numberOfSeconds * Double(secondsZmanit)))

* This method returns the time of misheyakir calculated by the Amudei Horaah calendar.
* Rabbi Dahan calculates this zman for as 5/6 of the time between alot and sunrise in the Amudei Horaah calendar.
* Warning: This zman should NOT be used in Israel.
* @return the time of misheyakir calculated by the Amudei Horaah calendar by adjusting the zman based off of degrees.
func getMisheyakirAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
var calendar = Calendar.current
calendar.timeZone = geoLocation.timeZone
let temp = workingDate
workingDate = DateComponents(year: calendar.component(.year, from: workingDate), month: 3, day: 17))!
let alotBy16Degrees = getSunriseOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith:ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 16.04)
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanisGra()

if (shaahZmanit == .min) {
return nil;
let numberOfSeconds = ((getSeaLevelSunrise()!.timeIntervalSince1970 - alotBy16Degrees!.timeIntervalSince1970))
workingDate = temp//reset

let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
let secondsZmanit = dakahZmanit / 60

return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getSeaLevelSunrise(), offset: -(numberOfSeconds * Double(secondsZmanit) * 5 / 6))

// These methods are similar to the ones in the base class, but they use the Amudei Horaah zmanim instead of the regular zmanim
public func getSofZmanShmaMGA72MinutesZmanisAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
return getSofZmanShma(startOfDay: getAlosAmudeiHoraah(), endOfDay: getTzais72ZmanisAmudeiHoraah());

public func getSofZmanAchilatChametzAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
return getSofZmanTfila(startOfDay: getAlosAmudeiHoraah(), endOfDay: getTzais72ZmanisAmudeiHoraah());

public func getSofZmanBiurChametzMGAAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
let shaahZmanit = getTemporalHour(startOfDay: getAlosAmudeiHoraah(), endOfDay: getTzais72ZmanisAmudeiHoraah());
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getAlosAmudeiHoraah(), offset: shaahZmanit * 5);

* This method calculates the time for Nightfall according to the opinion of the Amudei Horaah Calendar. This is calculated as 13.5
* adjusted zmaniyot minutes after sunset. This is based on the calculation of the 3.77&deg which is the time at 13.5 minutes in Netanya, Israel
* on the equinox. Why Netanya and not Jerusalem? Because Netanya is the mid point between Israel and Iraq. Therefore, Rabbi Dahan equates them.
* @return the Date representing 13.5 minutes zmaniyot after sunset adjusted to the users location using degrees based on Netanya, Israel. This zman
* should NOT be used in Israel.
func getTzaisAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
var calendar = Calendar.current
calendar.timeZone = geoLocation.timeZone
let temp = workingDate
workingDate = DateComponents(year: calendar.component(.year, from: workingDate), month: 3, day: 17))!
let tzaitGeonimInDegrees = getSunsetOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith:ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 3.77)
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanisGra()

if (shaahZmanit == .min) {
return nil;
let numberOfSeconds = (tzaitGeonimInDegrees!.timeIntervalSince1970 - getSeaLevelSunset()!.timeIntervalSince1970)
workingDate = temp//reset

let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
let secondsZmanit = dakahZmanit / 60

return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getSeaLevelSunset(), offset: numberOfSeconds * Double(secondsZmanit))

func getTzaisAmudeiHoraahLChumra() -> Date? {
var calendar = Calendar.current
calendar.timeZone = geoLocation.timeZone
let temp = workingDate
workingDate = DateComponents(year: calendar.component(.year, from: workingDate), month: 3, day: 17))!
let tzaitGeonimInDegrees = getSunsetOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith:ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 5.135)
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanisGra()

if (shaahZmanit == .min) {
return nil;
let numberOfSeconds = (tzaitGeonimInDegrees!.timeIntervalSince1970 - getSeaLevelSunset()!.timeIntervalSince1970)
workingDate = temp//reset

let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
let secondsZmanit = dakahZmanit / 60

return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getSeaLevelSunset(), offset: numberOfSeconds * Double(secondsZmanit))

func getTzais72ZmanisAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
var calendar = Calendar.current
calendar.timeZone = geoLocation.timeZone
let temp = workingDate
workingDate = DateComponents(year: calendar.component(.year, from: workingDate), month: 3, day: 17))!
let tzaitRTInDegrees = getSunsetOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith:ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 16.01)
let shaahZmanit = getShaahZmanisGra()

if (shaahZmanit == .min) {
return nil;
let numberOfSeconds = (tzaitRTInDegrees!.timeIntervalSince1970 - getSeaLevelSunset()!.timeIntervalSince1970)
workingDate = temp//reset

let dakahZmanit = shaahZmanit / 60
let secondsZmanit = dakahZmanit / 60

return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getSeaLevelSunset(), offset: numberOfSeconds * Double(secondsZmanit))

func getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
return getSunsetOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith: ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 7.14)

This is only for display purposes, it should not be used to calculate zmanim.
- Returns: The earlier of ``getTzaisAteretTorah()`` or ``getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah()``
func getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraahLesserThan40() -> Date? {
if getTzaisAteretTorah() == nil || getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah() == nil {
return nil
if getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah()?.compare(getTzaisAteretTorah()!) == .orderedDescending {
return getTzaisAteretTorah()
} else {
return getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah()

This is only for display purposes, it should not be used to calculate zmanim.
- Returns: The earlier of ``getTzais72()`` or ``getTzais72ZmanitAmudeiHoraah()``
func getTzaisZmanitAmudeiHoraahLkulah() -> Date? {
if getTzais72() == nil || getTzais72ZmanisAmudeiHoraah() == nil {
return nil
if getTzais72()?.compare(getTzais72ZmanisAmudeiHoraah()!) == .orderedDescending {
return getTzais72ZmanisAmudeiHoraah()
} else {
return getTzais72()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Sources/KosherSwift/hebrewcalendar/JewishCalendar.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@ public class JewishCalendar {

* returns true if the current hebrew year is a shmita year. Note that ccording to Rashi and other Rishonim, the year before is the year of shmita.
* returns true if the current hebrew year is a shmita year. Note that according to Rashi and other Rishonim, the year before is the year of shmita.
public func isShmitaYear() -> Bool {
return (getJewishYear() % 7) == 0
Expand Down

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