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Thanks to "Zayd al-Muqaddim al-Qamar al-‘Aarabi" for all his invaluable support

Important, Ip is getting from x-forwarded-from header, so you must use a reverse proxy server like nginx to work


  • landing page is loading slow
  • for contentSecurityPolicy header, nonce may be added for scripts and styles
  • Create LOGS, and save them to database properly
  • Simplify everything with a simple library or framework

What is this

  • Source code of my personal website
  • Has an admin panel and lets creating blogs and projects
  • this is not a website builder

How that works?

There are 3 levels

  • Layout level,
  • Page level,
  • Component level
  1. Pages are positioned in layouts.
  2. components may be positioned in both.

for example there are 2 layouts i use today, admin layout and visitor layout. Those are the frontend interface which is same in common pages like contact, landing page, about us page may be contained by visitor layout and add project page, add blog page, modify blogs page, delete projects page may be contained by admin layout.

All pages, layouts, components are javascript files, which exports its content after rendering it.

and all pages, layouts, components has the ability to render in server side by just sending html css js to client.

we can fetch components from client side, it sends fully rendered html string from server to client.

All rendering happens in template strings, which has all the power that web frameworks and templating languages has.

Database is postgres SQL.

SQL db setup codes

To be able to use this, you need to create these tables and manually insert at least one user to be able to log in

 CREATE TABLE users (id serial primary key, login_name text, creation_date text, password_hash text, profile_picture_url text, privilege text, public_name text, salt text)
 CREATE TABLE variables (key text, value text[], value_2 text[])
 CREATE TABLE blogs (id serial primary key, title text, description text, language text, author text, creation_date text, last_modify_date text, thumbnail_url text, rendered_content text, raw_content text, status text)
 CREATE TABLE media (id serial primary key, full_url text, alt_text text)
 CREATE TABLE projects (id serial primary key, "English" json, "Turkish" json)

Template literal guides,

  1. Tagged Template
  2. Rendering Lists

Tagged Template

This is the code block which lets us to do all the things below, it simply extract the functions from template string, run them, and put the output back in string.

So it is possible to run async and sync functions in strings.

const render = async (x, ...values) => {
  var rendered = "";
  for (let u = 0; u < x.length; u++) {
    rendered = rendered.concat(x[u]);
    if (u < x.length - 1) {
      if (typeof values[u] == "function") {
        rendered = rendered.concat(await values[u]());
      } else {
        rendered = rendered.concat(values[u]);
  return rendered;

if you want to render a string just do this

var renderedString = render`I am rendered`;

Rendering Lists

We can render a template html repetadly, for example fetch data from sql server and list all records.

<div id="blog-list">

${async () => {
  const text = `SELECT title,description,id FROM "blogs"`;
  const values = [];
  var record = await pool.query(text, values);
  return "".concat(
    ...(await Promise.all( => {
        return `
				<h1>Title: ${t.title}</h1>
				<h1>description: ${t.description}</h1>



You can run render function in a render function in a render function and so on. Just do not forget to resolve promises

Warning: be careful using " ` ' inside of render, those may result errors in html side.

`document.querySelector(".class").innerHTML = \` <div>Complex HTML</div> \` `

Fetch component from server and render it on client

/get-component/[admin | visitor]/[component_name]

With the API above you can fetch components from server, this API returns a json object with 2 elements inside first is rendered html string, second is rendered JS string.

both of these strings are rendered on server, the fetch method is post, so you can send data to server before render to add stuff inside to both js and html.

if you do not create a script tag and append it to DOM, script will not run. I mean innerHTML does not run scripts.

fetch("/get-component/admin/AdminBlogs", {
	headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
	body: JSON.stringify({ message: "User Not Found" }),
	method: "POST",
	.then(e => {e,e.json()})
	.then((e, json) => {

		document.querySelector(".V6bMFQ-main-area-content").innerHTML = json.html;
		var eaa = document.createElement("script");
		eaa.innerText = json.js;
	}).catch(e){alert("Fetch Error")};

Or you can create blob of js string and append script tag inside head tag with a src pointing to blob url


  1. All development progress of this software will be available on this git repository.
  2. Dockerfile will be available in every stable release.
  3. Error handling and cybersecurity side will not be neglected.
- Blogs, news, Content and Static pages will be created on admin panel via markdown(.md)
- Users will have privileges
- SEO tools will be available from admin panel.
- Multi languages and their configuration is supported, all settings will be done from admin panel
- Frontend will recognise user and will render a different type of frontend for current user upon users privileges (eg. edit post button on spesific post)
- Everything must be responsive, specially admin panel. this wil let user modify & create content to website from anywhere

Possible Features

- currently I was planning to make frontend design process by purely on code, but there may be pre-coded responsive frontend components which are customisable and user can sort them upon his/her own design. Like a few header component, a few footer component, Hero, Testimonials, Slider and etc. and all components will be compatible with each other.
- There may be a component creation page on admin panel like codepen where it lets user to code their own components.
- Auto sitemap creator
- robots.txt editor
- static page creation
- tutorial for markdown syntax
- custom component shortcodes for inserting html, css and js into markdown especially in Blogs, News, Contents

Tech stack:


- Vanilla JS - For better speed and Better SEO

2. Backend

- Node JS,
- Express JS,


- Postgres SQL


  (await Index.pool.query(`SELECT * FROM "variables"`)).rows[0]
    (t) => {
      return `
<option value="" selected disabled hidden>language</option>

	<option value="${t}">${t}</option>
).replaceAll(",", "\n");

alt text

it is similar to React, we use string instead of JSX.

this code does not let us use comma(,) inside strings, and that is a problem.

use this ->

    ...[1, 2, 3, 4, 6].map((t) => {
      return `tetetetet`;

BUT, if you will run async function inside of map, it will return you an array of promises, you need to resolve it with Promise.all(array of promises).

<select required id="blog-form-language-edit">
  {async () => {
    return await Promise.all(
      (await Index.pool.query(`SELECT * FROM "variables"`)).rows[0]
        async (r) => {
          return await render`

	<option ${() => {
    if (t.language == r) {
      return "selected";
    } else {
      return "";
  }}  value="${() => r}">${() => r}</option>

so final touch is this, you can use as much of async awaits and render tag as you want

	${async () => {
		return "".concat(...(await Promise.all(
			[1,2,3,4].map(t => {



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