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Modelling of api responses for focus objects

Andrey Azov edited this page Aug 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Endpoints for focus objects

Big decisions

  • Should we rename the thing that used to be called ensembl_object and is currently called object to feature? (ask Andy?)
  • Concern related to above: can a focus object that is a region be considered a feature?
  • Since region in core data language means something different than a region in our language (which is a focus object), should we rename region to slice?
  • Alternatively, should we rename region to feature_region (or feature_slice), so that we don't end up with a slice data structure that has a field called slice?
  • Do focus objects need to know which track they belong to? (E.g. what should happen to BRCA2 track when we hide protein-coding genome-wide track)?

General questions for backend

  1. What is the convention for endpoint path names? Example:

/api/object/info?object_id=triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1:gene:TraesCS3D02G273600 (this is how the paths to the few endpoints we currently have are typically structures) or /api/objects/:object_id/info (this is more idiomatically RESTful)

  1. Should we use namespacing in the response payload?


  "feature": {

Feature info endpoint

Purpose: get full information about a feature to show when you open Track Drawer.


Api response

enum Strand {

enum SupportLevel {

enum BiotypeCode {

type Slice = {
  location: {
    start: number, // e.g. 379535906,
    end: number // e.g. 379539827,
    strand: Strand | null
  region: {
    region_name: string, // "3D",
    region_code: string, // out of an enum, e.g. 'chromosome'

// see question whether response fields should be namespaced under `feature` above
type GeneResponse = {
  feature_id: string, // e.g. triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1:gene:TraesCS3D02G273600
  feature_code: 'gene',
  biotype_code: BiotypeCode, // "Protein coding",
  feature_description: string | null, // "Heat shock protein 101 "
  genome_id: string, // "triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1",
  feature_label: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  slice: Slice, // see type abover
  stable_id: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  versioned_stable_id: string

// TODO: review transcript response (we haven't spent much time on that)
type TranscriptResponse = {
  feature_id: string, // e.g. triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1:transcript:TraesCS3D02G273600
  feature_code: 'transcript',
  biotype_code: BiotypeCode, // "Protein coding",
  feature_description: string | null, // "Heat shock protein 101 "
  genome_id: string, // "triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1",
  feature_label: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  slice: Slice, // see type above
  stable_id: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  support_level_code: SupportLevel,
  versioned_stable_id: string

type VariantResponse = {
  // ???

Focus feature (provisional name)

Purpose: show focus feature and list of features associated with it. Show information about focus feature in the track panel and in the navigation bar


Api response

type FocusGeneFeature = {
  feature_id: string, // e.g. triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1:gene:TraesCS3D02G273600
  feature_code: 'gene',
  biotype_code: BiotypeCode, // "Protein coding",
  genome_id: string, // "triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1",
  feature_label: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  slice: Slice, // see type abover
  stable_id: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  versioned_stable_id: string

type FocusTranscriptFeature = {
  feature_id: string, // e.g. triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1:transcript:TraesCS3D02G273600
  feature_code: 'transcript',
  biotype_code: BiotypeCode, // "Protein coding",
  genome_id: string, // "triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1",
  feature_label: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  slice: Slice, // see type above
  support_level_code: SupportLevel,
  stable_id: string, // "TraesCS3D02G273600",
  versioned_stable_id: string

type GeneResponse = FocusGeneFeature & {
  associated_features: {
    transcripts: FocusTranscriptFeature[] // first transcript is shown by default; only one transcript is shown

type TranscriptResponse = FocusTranscriptFeature & {
  associated_features: {
    gene: FocusGeneFeature 
    transcripts: FocusTranscriptFeature[] // first transcript is shown by default; only one transcript is shown

type SliceResponse = {
  feature_code: 'slice',
  feature_id: string, // e.g. triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1:slice:13:1234-45667
  genome_id: string, // "triticum_aestivum_GCA_900519105_1",
  slice: Slice, // see type above

type Response = GeneResponse | TranscriptResponse | SliceResponse;