Welcome to ErgodicMage's GitHub repositories!
I have been developing since 1980 and have programmed in many languages across many platforms. Since 2005 my development efforts have been almost exclusively with .Net, starting .Net 1.1 then 3.5, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8 till today with .Net 6. The repositories are mostly my experminetal side programming to learn .Net 6 and modernize my development skills using newer techniques which were not available back when I started with .Net.
The repositories I have on GitHub are:
A simple implementation of the Result Pattern with Guard Clauses that return Result instead of throwing exceptions.
A core library for organizing stars, planets and so forth so that they can be mapped and analyzed similar to other star catalogs. It includes two expansions on the core library. Progression which is my own fictional science fiction setting that uses real stars grouped together as Clusters, Sectors and more with rules for wormhole travel detailed in Rules.md. There is also an experiment to convert Traveller maps to StellarMap with the possibility of replacing Traveller's jump system with Progression's workhole travel. This was my first github project and I will update it from time to time with new features and modern programming styles.
Enhances Dapper with CRUD capabilites that works with entity classes using custom attributes to generate the sql needed for Get, Insert, Update and Delete. From there it uses the lower level enhancements to provide the framework for implementing Repository Patern around the entities.
This library greatly expands up .Net's System.IO Directory and File capabilities adding recursion, file and directory filtering and more. With FileSystemProcess can operate on files and folders in an easy and consistant manner.
A lite wrapper around MailKit. It mainly adds standard configuration along with common email functionality.
An experiment to write a library that will help with generating PDFs using templates.
All of my repositories are works in progress and I welcome any and all constructive criticisms to improve them. Please note that I'm not always great at naming conventions so suggestions for better names are appreciated.