This repository is made for assisting WSU Robocup team for Raspberry and Arduino connection and set up for radio communication
Arduino NRf24l01 connection
SPI pins differ depending on Arduino type.
Arduino | SCK | MISO | MOSI | SS |
Uno | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 |
Nano | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 |
Mega | 52 | 50 | 51 | 53 |
2.6 RADIO COMMUNICATION DEVICE NRF24L01 is popular RF transceiver module that is commonly used for wireless communication. It operates in 2.4 GHz bandwidth and provides a simple and cost-effective way to establish wireless communication between devices. This modules main advantage is its use of serial peripheral interface (SPI) for communication, making it compatible with virtually all microcontrollers. Spec Operating voltage 1.9-3.6V Channels 125 channels with 1MHz spacing RF range 2400-2525MHz Pipeline/Address Up to 6 addresses Range 100m in open environment Data rate 250Kbps| 1Mbps |2Mbps
GND - ground VCC - Voltage CE – configure module to be transmit or receive CSN – when pin goes low, the module begins to listen to SPI port SCK – Serial clock MOSI – receive data from the microcontroller MISO – send data to the microcontroller IRQ – Intrrrupt pin
For Arduino library Download link