This code performs Dirichlet Process Mixture Model Inference based on Monte Carlo Markov Chain sampling.
Two algorithms are implemented, corresponding to algorithm 2 (Gibbs Sampler) and Algorithm 3 (Collapsed Gibbs Sampler) from [1].
The user can either choose to provide the Dirichlet Process concentration parameter value or a Gamma prior for this parameter. In the latter case, alpha's value is updated following [2].
The script is provided to build the scala sources.
See src/pom.xml file for Scala dependencies.
The file launches a small 2D example with 4 clusters and 150 points each. The results are saved in the "results" directory.
The R script (for visualization) requires the "animation" and "mixtools" packages.
These algorithms address the case of datasets composed of real-valued observations. In order to use it on your data, use the following code:
val data = [your data here as List[DenseVector[Double]]
val empiricMean = Common.Tools.mean(data)
val empiricCovariance = Common.Tools.covariance(data, empiricMean)
val prior = new NormalInverseWishart(empiricMean, 1D, empiricCovariance, data.head.length + 1)
val alphaPrior = Gamma(shape = 9, scale = 0.5)
val mm = new GibbsSampler(data, prior, alphaPrior = Some(alphaPrior))
val (membership, components, logLikelihoods) =
The output is the state of the MCMC at each iteration, described by the observations membership, the component parameters, and the logLikehood.
An R script if provided to visualize the evolution of the clusters memberships and model log-likelihood, in the 2D case. The script reads the files written in the "results" directory. Before launching the R script, please make sure to change the result directory path with its true value.
[1] Neal, R. M. (2000). Markov chain sampling methods for Dirichlet process mixture models. Journal of computational and graphical statistics, 9(2), 249-265.
[2] West, M. (1992). Hyperparameter estimation in Dirichlet process mixture models. ISDS Discussion Paper# 92-A03: Duke University.