Releases: EverNife/EverNifeCore
Releases · EverNife/EverNifeCore
EverNifeCore v2.0.4 v2
Main Change:
- Fixed a relevant memory leak caused on some rare cases where the some specific hosts could not create and delete threads with a decent speed. Also created the SmartCachedYamlFiile to save memory in general on the PlayerData system.
Main Changes:
- Use StringTokenizer on BlockPos deserialization (on avarage, 25-30% faster than normal String::split )
- Refine the logs on SVDataManager, refactor targetClass name and add m…
- Use a separated ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor for the SmartCachedYamlFiile
- Add enum for MCVersion.v1_21
- Fix PlayerData not having a Player instance after /evernifecore reload
- Add test for ReflectionInnerTypeDetection
- Fix FCTickUtil not counting ticks '-' (the only thing it should be doing)
- Add NMSUtils_v1_20_R1 for Minecraft 1.20.1
- Fixed ActionBarAPI not working correctly '-'
- Update item-nbt-api to 2.13.2, stop using my own fork and go back to …
- Simplify MaterialVanillaInterpreter::isVanilla
- Make ArgParser's fields protected rather than private
- Add NMSUtils::asBukkitWorld and NMSUtils::asMinecraftWorld
- Improve PagintedGuiComplex to allow ComplesGuiItems's content to be u…
- Create the FConfig, an annotation system for saving POJOs in the YAML.
- Change on ItemDataPartItemflags, now if an item has all flags on it, the output will be only 'hideflags:all'
- Remove Flags key from the NBT before dumping it as well
- Fix paginated item's actions not working on PaginatedGuiComplex
- Add pixelmon trade holders and previous and next button when necessary
- Update ChatMenuAPI to 2.0.1
- Add expectPlayerChat, a way to expect for messages on the chat
- Add some ways to customize the RegexReplacer
- Update ECForgeListener to 1.0.4
- Make FConfigs scan the superClass for more FConfigs, also add a FConfig.SuperClassSerialization enum to enforce serialization even of non FConfig super classes
- Add EnumClasses as LoadableSalvables
Full Changelog: v2.0.4.1...v2.0.4.2
EverNifeCore v2.0.4 v1
Total of 85 commits since last release!
Main Changelog:
- Fixes on the MultiArgumentos::flagify
- Create ArgParser for NumberWrapper
- Relocate dev.triumphteam.gui to
- Make createFCWorldGuardRegion() public on WGPlatform
- Add way to add flags on modified worldguard 6.1 at 1.7.10
- Create a TrackedNBTContainer to keep track of removed tags so they can be removed on the FCBaseItemBuilder before merge
- Improve SettingsScanner
- Update triumph-gui
- Added PaginatedGuiComplex
- Change FCBaseItemBuilder::setNbt to not actually set the nbt but clear() and merge
- Fix NBT placeholder parsing on BossShopPro integration by delaying its application
- Update Simple-Yaml to 1.8.4
- Add BlockInfo prefix to /blocinfo command texts
- Add /entityinfo command to show entity name, type and NBT
- Invert offline and online placeholder parsing logic
- Add ECForgeListener as dependencie
- Sort manipulators based on underlines present on it, assuming it will be more complex as well
- Use 'sun.misc.Unsafe' to change the 'final field flagsList from WorldGuard' at 1.7.10
- Add FCTickUtil to get current tick number
- Create CacheableSuppliers. Suppliers that will only update after a specific amount of time or ticks has passed
- Enable ActionBarAPI on 1.7.10 when the mod 'necrotempus' is present
- Add GlobalParser for Argumento.class
- Make FCInputReader::parseMaterial parse materials from NumericID as well
- Create ILocaleMessageBase, a common interface for both LocaleMessage and SendCustom
- Add FCFileUtil
- Few changes on PageViewer
- Read contents when creating a config from a String and throw Exception when trying to save a Config without a file.
- Create a SmartCachedYamlFileHolder
- Enable SmartCache on the Configs of SVDataManager
- Create the bases of a PDSectionConfiguration
- Implement Config.toString
- shutdown and start again the SaveConfigThread on EverNifeCore::reload
- Add 'universal' time converter
- Add 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss' as the default date formatter at FCTimeUtil
- Add 'LocalDateTime' and 'ZonedDateTime' as CfgLoadableSalvable
- Rename WGFlags.getFlagFromWorldGuard to WGFlags.getFlag
- Fix internal use of ImpIFCFlagRegistry::getFlagList
Full Changelog: v2.0.3.4...v2.0.4.1
EverNifeCore v2.0.3 v4
Main Change:
- Suport for 1.20.2
- Add new patterns for ComparableItem
- Fix cuboid selection Horizontal expansion
- Use LocaleMessages at CMDItemInfo to allow customization
- Increase scheduller limit to 9999 threads! I think it might be enough…
- Create FCCollectionsUtil::partitionEvenly
- Add way to getOrLoadUser from LuckPerms
- target spigot 1.20.2
- Update NMSUtils from 1_20_R1 to 1_20_R2
- Update Item-NBT-API to support Minecraft 1.20.2
Full Changelog: v2.0.3.3...v2.0.3.4
EverNifeCore v2.0.3 v3
Total of 124 commits since last release!
Main Change:
- Rework of how the PlayerDataStorage works, solving problems preventively!
- Some refactors on ServerType class
- Calculate FinalCMDPluginCommand permission on command registration
- Create a basic comparable item, making the life easier for custom restrictions
- Create a way to add ItemStacks as HoverTexsts on FancyTexsts!
- Create a cuboid region, to make region management easier!
- Add way to get all Handlers from ProtectionAll
- Create '/protectiontest' to test protections that EverNifeCore will be able to listen to
- Fix concurrency on ECPluginManager caused by SpigotUpdateChecker
- Properly implement WorldGuardHandler
- Improve getLocalizedName(), now will return the name respecting its EnumItemRarity's color
- Add displayName to /iteminfo
- some changes on the DefaultIcons
- Some changes on the ExtraInv system, preparing for a removal.
- Rework CMDAccessValidation, adding the possibility for multiple CMDAcessValidations
- Create a way to localize every single @'arg from a command
- Rename asItemStack to asBukkitItemStack
- Always save dormant files as UUID
- Add a Config.class empty Constructor, allowing for full customization of the YamlFile and the load process
- Make ECPLugins PAPIIntegrations to persist between '/papi reload'
- Add try-catch on all ExtraInventory extract, load and restore
- Store layoutIcons slots into a single line rather than a List of integers
- And several more changes...
Full Changelog: v2.0.3.2...v2.0.3.3
EverNifeCore v2.0.3 v2
EverNifeCore v2.0.3 v1
Total of 238 commits since last release, so there are LOTS of changes!
Here follows a few ones!
- Make it compatible with newer versions of java (tested with java 11, but should work on newer as well)
- Remove several deprecated features from EverNifeCore
- Several changes on the Locale System
- Several changes on the Placeholder system
- Several changes on the PageViewer System
- Fix for error on OnlineMode=true servers when a user changed it's name
- Create a validation system for FinalCMDs
- Upgrade and Improve Config YML System.
- Few messages adde to FCMessageUtil
- Add compatibility for WorldGuard API on 1.16.5 (keeping it compatible with 1.7.10 and 1.12.2)
- Create a TitleAPI
- Rework the way i used to store ItemStacks on YML, now using ItemDataPart as default.
- Do several reafactors and add several new utility classes for the Pos system.
- Improve NBT handling on all versions (tested on 1.7.10, 1.12.2 and 1.16.5)
- Rework for MCVersion detection System
- Add compatibility for WorldEditAPI on 1.16.5 (keeping it compatible with 1.7.10 and 1.12.2)
- Lots of other changes.
Full Changelog: v2.0.2.2...v2.0.3.1
EverNifeCore v2.0.2 v2
- Some fixes related to the Config System.
- Add more functions related to the comments on configs.
- Bound Values on ArgParserNumber
- Fix PageViewer date display
- Update Compatibility with PlaceholderAPI-2.11.2, keeping legacy support.
- Properly Save NBT on 1.16.5
- Several Improvements on FCItemFactory.class
- Several Improvements on PlayerGUI.class
- Create a Layout System for GUIs
- Some refactor on the DayOfToday system.
- Enforce PlayerData save to be syncronized to prevent errors on large databases (+20kPlayers)
Full Changelog: v2.0.2.1...v2.0.2.2
EverNifeCore v2.0.2 v1
EverNifeCore v2.0.2 v1
- Make EverNifeCore compatible with Minecraft 1.7.10 up to 1.18
- Rework the Entire Config System (update SnakeYAML and add Simple-YAML, improve performance, make it now possible to add comments)
- Rework the Locale System (fix a few specific problems)
- Add NBT-API inside the EverNifeCore, making it compatible with 1.7.10 (Crucible)
- Fix race condition on "Save All PlayerData on Server Shutdown"
- Improve PageViewer system
- Add a DynamicCommand System, to allow schedule of commands that will be executed based on clicked messages.
- Improve the PlayerGui.class
- Improve the FCItemFactory.class
- Inject Dependencies on class first load, this will help dependencies of EverNifeCore that are executed BEFORE EverNifeCore
Full Changelog: v2.0.1.7...v2.0.2.1
EverNifeCore v2.0.1 v7
- Fix NPE on server stop.
- Some improvements on the ItemDataPart system
- Create FCItemFactory (builder for ItemsStacks)
- Create GuiFactory
- Highly Improve Localization System
- Highly Improve/Recreate the Command System
- Add TabCompletion system
Full Changelog: v2.0.1.6...v2.0.1.7
EverNifeCore v2.0.1 v6
- Keep parameters names on compiled jar. (helping developers)
- Fix SendCustom.concat() chat api
- Add some checks for config file reading
- Improve PageViewer (for comands like /baltop)
- Catch any errors thown by ECListener
- Update ChatMenuAPI (Fix compatibility with some versions of ProtocolLib)
Full Changelog: v2.0.1.5...v2.0.1.6