2001.2.0 beta release (MC 1.20.1)
released this
29 Sep 16:19
Added Kits! Kits are configurable collections of items which can be given to players with a single command
Added /tp_offline
command, allowing admins to change the position of offline players
Dimension can also be changed using the standard vanilla /execute in <dimension> run tp_offline ...
Added several commands to open some vanilla work site blocks without needing the block:
opens a Crafting Table GUI
opens a Stonecutter GUI
opens a Smithing Table GUI
opens an Anvil GUI
Added a /jump
command to instantly teleport to the top of the focused block (or block column)
E.g. targeting the side of a wall will place you on top of the wall after a /jump
Added a /speed
command to check or adjust a player's walking speed boost
/speed <boost_pct> [<player>]
can be used to give a player a speed boost modifier, expressed as a percentage
e.g. /speed 50
makes you walk 50% faster
Valid ranges are -100 (completely stopped) -> 2000 (stupidly fast)
Added a /near
command to list nearby players and their distance from you (or a target player)
Added a /feed
command to restore a player's food level (and full saturation)
Added a /extinguish
command to extinguish a player who's currently on fire
Fire a cancellable Architectury event when player is about to teleport due to any Essentials command
Can be caught and cancelled by other mods if they want to prevent teleportation under specific circumstances
Event is TeleportEvent.TELEPORT
Fixed server crash related to auto-unmuting players who have gone offline
Fixed pitch and yaw being swapped when teleporting to saved positions (homes, warps)
You can’t perform that action at this time.