I am a tech enthusiast, I was awarded the Graduation Diploma in Data Science and Analytics from the University of Newcastle in February 2022. As part of the master program, I have completed the courses of Data Analytics for Business Intelligence, Data Wrangling and Visualisation, Databases and Information Management, Predictive Analytics, Linear Regression Modelling, Big Data and Professional Practice in IT. I am currently taking a break from the Master of Data Science.
I am passionate about tech innovations, the environment, using technology to create a more sustainable world and the role AI plays to achieve it.
I’m currently working on a machine learning project in python to predict a recommended AirBnB price on the Gold Coast.
I’m currently learning Automation with GIS, Javascrip and Data engineering in Azure and AWS.
I’m looking to collaborate in BI jobs and all aspects of data science and analytics projects.
I’m looking for help with Deep Learning and Ruby.
Ask me about any thing you would like I best with SQL, Excel, Python, R and Tableau.
How to reach me: [email protected].
Fun fact: It is never too late to start a new career!