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Instructions for running FermiBottle on MacOS

Jeremy S. Perkins edited this page Nov 7, 2018 · 9 revisions

Installing Docker

FermiBottle requires docker, which is available for Mac systems. The Docker Community Edition (CE) installer is an open source program provided for the docker community. Docker provides installation instructions here

Acquire the FermiBottle Image

The FermiBottle image is a compressed 3 Gigabyte file, currently hosted on dockerhub. You can download it directly over your internet connection after you have installed docker, or you can install it locally from a tarball provided by the Fermi Science Support Center.

Using DockerHub

docker pull fssc/fermibottle

Using local tarball

unzip && docker load < fermibottle.tar

Create a container from the FermiBottle image (MacOS)

  1. This requires XQuartz to be installed and the "Allow Connections from Network Clients" option to be selected in XQuartz > Preferences > Security. This is accessed from the drop down menu in the upper left corner of your screen, next to the Apple logo.
  2. Quit XQuartz after setting this option.
  3. Open your activity monitor, make sure XQuartz is shut down.
  4. Open XQuartz again and shut it down again for good measure. This time use CMD-Q.
  5. If you're still not sure whether XQuartz shut down all the way, maybe reboot.
  6. Open a terminal and navigate to your desired working directory. This directory will be shared with the container so you can save work onto your local machine. cd my/awesome/shared/directory
  7. Create a new FermiBottle container by copying this block of code into your command line and running it:
xhost + && \
docker create -it --init \
-e HOST_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-e DISPLAY=docker.for.mac.localhost:0 \
-v "`pwd`":/data \
-p 8888:8888 \

The big string of numbers and letters that gets printed out is your Container ID. That can be hard to remember so you may instead want to use the NAME. These should both be listed for you if you run docker ps -a.

If you were successful, we recommend you try not to make duplicate containers by running docker create again. It can be frustrating if you lose track of which one all of your work was done in if it wasn't saved to the shared directory.

Continue to Using the FermiBottle container.