This is a single, static, HTML page built using modern skills, tools, and best practices with organized, well structured JavaScript and CSS.
- Git in the command line using VS Code editor
- GitHub for version control
- Node, NPM and Webpack for automation
- Utilize webpack-dev-server to upddate CSS & JS in the browser without a full reload and to reload the browser when a HTML file is changed
- Use PostCSS for mixins, variables and nesting along with the modular stylesheets
- Use the BEM methodology to avoid a bloated code base
- Using a mobile-first strategy
- Animated the hamburger menu icon
- Using responsive and hi resolution images - Serving different images depending on the users screen size and resolution
- Lazy loading images
- Object-oriented JavaScript
- Using a js module pattern
- Using code splitting to load the modal script on click only if it hasn't already been downloaded
- Use a sticky header on desktop with scaled logo on scroll
- Reveal elements on scroll
- Utilize webpack to run the dev environment and to build the distribution package
- Utilize Netlify to add a simple cloud function
- Integrated React into the workflow
- Utilize Netlify to hook into the GitHub repository and build/publish the page whenever a new commit is pushed to master. View page
This app requires Node.js to run. Clone the repo to your local machine
$ git clone
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Start the server
$ npm run dev
View the app in your favorite browser. You can change the port in webpack.config.js
Build the dist package
$ npm run build
The ClientArea module will not work on your local machine without some code modification. See the comments in App.js and /cloud-functions/secret-area.js