Create a third person flight simulator where the player can fly over a large terrain. The game will feature shaders, a skybox or skydome, collision detection with ground and sky obstacles, and light sources. The player will need to avoid obstacles and, if time permits, participate in a time-based point race.
- David Norman, [email protected]
- Victor Eriksson, [email protected]
- Filip Edberger, [email protected]
The game will bi implemented with a object oriented structure and will run with a main loop and based on different states such as start state, different gamemode states, end state. The main loop will also handle the creation and curation of the window.
Each state represents one part of the game and has three main components, namely handle, update and display. In each state, the game logic is represented and events that happen are handled for each object, such as movement or collosion.
As a first step the main loop and the creation and drawing of the terrain will be implemented. This includes
Creating a start state
Creating the handle, update and display functions
Creating a class for the ground
Creating the handle, update and display functions
Lighting of the ground (part of the display function)
Creation of a skydome class
Creating the handle, update and display functions
Lighting of the skydome, (part of the display function)
Display the start state
This step includes:
- Creating a class for the airplane
- Creating the handle, update and display functions
- Lighting of the airplane, (part of the display function)
We will start this project by experimenting with potetial solutions for the first steps. This will be done in the code we have created durint the course labs. When we have found solutions to the first steps, we will merge it together into the intended structure for the project, the object oriented state based structure.
Filip will start experimenting with the main loop and the states. Virro will start experimenting with the terrain class and the funcitons within. David will start experimenting with the skydome and the light source.