- If it's broke, fix it
Controls: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/wiki/Controls
Support: https://discord.gg/vBDzZAq3AF
Supported Mods: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/wiki#compatibility
- ModuleManager is required.
- B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
- Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
- RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
- CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.
Bug Fixes Etc.
- Fixed a new bug related to SSPX centrifuges
- Fix camera glitch when boarding a part from EVA when QuickIVA is installed
- Fix a bug that would break IVA mode when switching vessels while unbuckled
- Fix exception spew when the internal camera was destroyed
Known Issues
- Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
- Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed