Please Note: There is a complete rebuild utilising Async (Previously SteamNetNetworkTransport) of a Steam P2P network transport layer for Mirror - 2018 branch (vis2k's UNET replacement for Unity) here:
This is for the older 2017 branch (Mirror branch) version and will also remain:
A Steam P2P network transport layer for Mirror (vis2k's UNET replacement for Unity)
SteamNetNetworkTransport uses Steamworks.NET wrapper for the steamworks API.
If you want to dive right in with a basic functional demo then find the example project here which includes with Mirror and Steamworks.NET
SteamNetNetworkTransport relies on Steamworks.NET to communicate with the Steamworks API.
SteamNetNetworkTransport is also obviously dependant on Mirror which is a streamline, bug fixed, maintained version of UNET for Unity.
Both of these projects need to be installed and working before you can use this transport
- Download and install the dependencies
- Download SteamworksNetworkTransport.cs and place in your Assets folder somewhere. If errors occur, open a Issue ticket.
- In your class extending from Mirror's NetworkManager class, you would do:
public override void InitializeTransport() {
Transport.layer = new SteamworksNetworkTransport();
Then, to start as a host:
Or, to connect to a host as a client:
CSteamID hostSteamID;
SteamNetworkManager.singleton.networkAddress = hostSteamID.ToString();
Where hostSteamID is a CSteamID containing the hosts Steam account 64 ID. This is usually got by one of the steam systems like friends or lobbies.