GUIDELINES (From Jeremy)
Come up with a group/team name.
Create a calculator similar to the attached image. It does not have to match this design, so feel free to take some liberties with it.
If you implement iCalculator and all of its functionality, your team will receive up to 55 pts
If you implement iAdvancedCalculator and all of its functionality, you'll receive up to 75 pts
You will work in groups. Each group member must do part of the assignment. In a comment at the top of each method, include the name of each member who contributed to that method. I would highly recommend that your team decides who will work on what and then divide the labor among you.
When you turn in the project, there will be a survey that each group member will fill out, you will be given a chance to review your fellow group members. Based on group participation, each team member will receive up to 25 pts.
The "<" is a backspace key. Feel free to use a different representation.
I would recommend putting the project on GitHub to better allow for collaboration.