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An observatory for TLS configurations, X509 certificates, and more.


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Mozilla TLS Observatory

Want the WebUI? Check out Mozilla's Observatory !

Getting started

You can use the TLS Observatory to compare your site against the mozilla guidelines. It requires Golang 1.7+ to be installed:

$ go version
go version go1.7 linux/amd64
$ export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
$ mkdir $GOPATH
$ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

Then get the binary:

$ go get

And scan using our hosted service:

$ tlsobs
Scanning (id 13528951)
Retrieving cached results from 20h33m1.379461888s ago. To run a new scan, use '-r'.

--- Certificate ---
Subject  C=US, O=Mozilla Corporation,
Validity 2016-01-20T00:00:00Z to 2017-01-24T12:00:00Z
SHA1     FECA3CA0F4B726D062A76F47635DD94A37985105
SHA256   315A8212CBDC76FF87AEB2161EDAA86E322F7C18B27152B5CB9206297F3D3A5D
SigAlg   ECDSAWithSHA256
Key      ECDSA 384bits P-384
ID       1281826

--- Trust ---
Mozilla Microsoft Apple Android
   âś“        âś“       âś“      âś“

--- Chain of trust ---
C=US, O=Mozilla Corporation, (id=1281826)
└──C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, CN=DigiCert ECC Secure Server CA (id=5922)
   └──C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA (id=41)

--- Ciphers Evaluation ---
prio cipher                        protocols pfs                curves
1    ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2   ECDH,P-256,256bits prime256v1
2    ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2   ECDH,P-256,256bits prime256v1
OCSP Stapling        false
Server Side Ordering true
Curves Fallback      false

--- Analyzers ---
* Mozilla evaluation: modern
  - for modern level: consider adding ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305, ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256
  - for modern level: consider enabling OCSP stapling
  - for modern level: increase priority of ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 over ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
  - for modern level: fix ciphersuite ordering, use recommended modern ciphersuite
  - oldest clients: Firefox 27, Chrome 30, IE 11 on Windows 7, Edge 1, Opera 17, Safari 9, Android 5.0, Java 8
* Grade: A (93/100)

The analysis at the end tell you what need to be changed to reach the old, intermediate or modern level. We recommend to target the intermediate level by default, and modern if you don't care about old clients.

Using the tlsobs client from Docker

A docker container also exists that contains the CLI, API, Scanner and Runner. Fetch is from docker pull mozilla/tls-observatory.

$ docker pull mozilla/tls-observatory
$ docker run -it mozilla/tls-observatory tlsobs


You can use the mozilla/tls-observatory docker container for development:

$ docker pull mozilla/tls-observatory
$ docker run -it mozilla/tls-observatory /bin/bash
root@05676e6789dd:~# cd $GOPATH/src/
root@05676e6789dd:/go/src/ make

However, even with the docker container, you will need to setup your own postgresql database. See below.

To build a development environment from scratch, you will need Go 1.7 or above. You can set it up on your own machine or via the golang:1.7 Docker container.

Retrieve a copy of the source code using go get, to place it directly under $GOPATH/src/, then use make to build all components.

$ docker run -it golang:1.7

root@c63f11b8852b:/go# go get 
package no buildable Go source files in /go/src/

root@c63f11b8852b:/go# cd $GOPATH/src/

root@c63f11b8852b:/go/src/ make

make runs the tests and compiles the scanner, api, command line client and runner. The resulting binaries are placed under $GOPATH/bin.

Create the database

TLS Observatory uses PostgreSQL > 9.4. To create a database, use the schema in database/schema.sql.

postgres=# create database observatory;

postgres=# \c observatory
You are now connected to database "observatory" as user "postgres".

postgres=# \i /go/src/ 

This automatically creates all tables, indexes, users and grants to work with the default configuration.

Starting the API and Scanner

First symlink the configuration to /etc/observatory and the cipherscan executable to /opt/cipherscan, as follows:

root@c63f11b8852b:/# ln -s $GOPATH/src/ /etc/tls-observatory
root@c63f11b8852b:/# ln -s $GOPATH/src/ /opt/cipherscan

Then start tlsobs-api and tlsobs-scanner. The API will listen on port 8083, on localhost (or if you're running in Docker).

Run a scan locally

To run a scan using the local scanner, set the -observatory flag of the tlsobs client to use the local API, as follows:

$ tlsobs -observatory



Customize the configuration file under conf/api.cfg and using the following environment variables:

  • TLSOBS_API_ENABLE set to on or off to enable or disable the API
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRES is the hostname or IP of the database server (eg.
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRESDB is the name of the database (eg. observatory)
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRESUSER is the database user (eg. tlsobsapi)
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRESPASS is the database user password (eg. mysecretpassphrase)


Customize the configuration file under conf/scanner.cfg and using the following environment variables:

  • TLSOBS_SCANNER_ENABLE set to on or off to enable or disable the scabber
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRES is the hostname or IP of the database server (eg.
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRESDB is the name of the database (eg. observatory)
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRESUSER is the database user (eg. tlsobsscanner)
  • TLSOBS_POSTGRESPASS is the database user password (eg. mysecretpassphrase)


Runs regular tests against target sites and sends notifications.

See conf/runnel.yaml for an example of configuration. Some configuration parameters can also be provided through environment variables:

  • TLSOBS_RUNNER_SMTP_HOST is the hostname of the smtp server (eg.
  • TLSOBS_RUNNER_SMTP_PORT is the port of the smtp server (eg. 587)
  • TLSOBS_RUNNER_SMTP_FROM is the from address of email notifications sent by the runner (eg. [email protected])
  • TLSOBS_RUNNER_SMTP_AUTH_USER is the smtp authenticated username (eg tlsobsrunner)
  • TLSOBS_RUNNER_SMTP_AUTH_PASS is the smtp user password (eg. mysecretpassphrase)

API Endpoints

POST /api/v1/scan

Schedule a scan of a given target.

$ curl -X POST ''


  • target is the FQDN of the target site. eg. Do not use protocol handlers or query strings.
  • rescan asks for a rescan of the target when set to true.
  • params JSON object in which each key represents one of TLS Observatory's workers. The value under each key will be passed as the parameters to the corresponding worker. For example, {"ev-checker": {"oid": "foo"}} will pass {"oid": "foo"} to the ev-checker worker. The following workers accept parameters:
    • ev-checker: Expects a JSON object with the following keys:
      • oid: the oid of the EV policy to check
      • rootCertificate: the root certificate to check against, in PEM format

For example, with curl:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8083/api/v1/scan?"

Output: a json document containing the Scan ID.

Caching: When rescan is not true, if a scan of the target was done over the last 24 hours, the scan ID is returned. Use rescan=true to force a rescan within 24 hours of the previous scan.

Rate Limits: Each target can only be scanned every 3 minutes with rescan=true.

GET /api/v1/results

Retrieve scan results by its ID.



  • id is the Scan ID

Output: a json document containing the scan results and the ID of the end-entity certificate.

GET /api/v1/certificate

Retrieve a certificate by its ID.



  • id is the Certificate ID
  • sha256 the hexadecimal checksum of the DER certificate (only if id is not provided)

Output: a json document containing the parsed certificate and its raw X509 version encoded with base64.

POST /api/v1/certificate

Publish a certificate.

curl -X POST -F [email protected]


  • certificate is a POST multipart/form-data parameter that contains the PEM encoded certificate.

Output: a json document containing the parsed certificate and its raw X509 version encoded with base64.

Caching: Certificates are only stored once. The database uses the SHA256 hash of the DER (binary) certificate to identify duplicates. Posting a certificate already stored in database returns the stored version.

GET /api/v1/paths

Retrieve the paths from a certificate to one of multiple roots.



  • id is the ID of the certificate to start the path at.
  • sha256 the hexadecimal checksum of the DER certificate (only if id is not provided)

Output: a json document containing the paths document. Each entry in the path contains the current certificate and an array of parents, if any exist.

GET /api/v1/truststore

Retrieve all the certificates in a given truststore.



  • store is the store to retrieve certificates from. "mozilla", "android", "apple", "microsoft" and "ubuntu" are allowed.
  • format, either "pem" or "json".

Output: if format is pem, a series of PEM-format certificates. If format is json, a json array of certificate objects, each with the same format of /api/v1/certificate.

Database Queries

Find certificates signed by CAs identified by their SHA256 fingerprint

SELECT, certificates.subject, certificates.issuer
FROM certificates INNER JOIN trust ON (
WHERE trust.issuer_id in (
    SELECT id FROM certificates
    WHERE sha256_fingerprint IN (
AND certificates.is_ca='false';

List signature algorithms of trusted certs

SELECT signature_algo, count(*)
FROM certificates INNER JOIN trust ON (
WHERE is_ca='false'
AND trust.trusted_mozilla='true'
GROUP BY signature_algo
ORDER BY count(*) DESC;

Show expiration dates of trusted SHA-1 certificates

SELECT  extract('year' FROM date_trunc('year', not_valid_after)) as expiration_year,
        extract('month' FROM date_trunc('month', not_valid_after)) as expiration_month,
FROM    certificates
    INNER JOIN trust ON (
WHERE is_ca='false'
    AND trust.trusted_mozilla='true'
    AND signature_algo='SHA1WithRSA'
GROUP BY date_trunc('year', not_valid_after),
         date_trunc('month', not_valid_after)
ORDER BY date_trunc('year', not_valid_after) ASC,
         date_trunc('month', not_valid_after) ASC;

List issuer, subject and SAN of Mozilla|Firefox certs not issued by Digicert

       issuer->'o'->>0 AS Issuer,
       subject->>'cn' AS Subject,
       san AS SubjectAltName
FROM certificates
      INNER JOIN trust ON (,
     jsonb_array_elements_text(x509_subjectAltName) AS san
WHERE jsonb_typeof(x509_subjectAltName) != 'null'
      AND ( subject#>>'{cn}' ~ '\.(firefox|mozilla)\.'
            san ~ '\.(firefox|mozilla)\.'
      AND trust.trusted_mozilla='true'
      AND certificates.not_valid_after>now()
      AND cast(issuer#>>'{o}' AS text) NOT LIKE '%DigiCert Inc%'

Find count of targets that support the SEED-SHA ciphersuite

FROM scans, jsonb_array_elements(conn_info->'ciphersuite') as ciphersuites
WHERE jsonb_typeof(conn_info) != 'null'
AND ciphersuites->>'cipher'='SEED-SHA';

Find intermediate CA certs whose root is trusted by Mozilla

SELECT id, subject
FROM certificates
WHERE is_ca=True
  AND subject!=issuer
  AND issuer IN (
      SELECT subject
      FROM certificates
      WHERE in_mozilla_root_store=True
GROUP BY subject, sha256_fingerprint;

Find CA certs treated as EV in Firefox

The list is CA Certs that get EV treatment in Firefox can be found here.

SELECT id, subject
FROM certificates,
     jsonb_array_elements_text(x509_certificatePolicies) AS cpol
WHERE jsonb_typeof(x509_certificatePolicies) != 'null'
  AND cpol IN ('1.2.392.200091.100.721.1','1.2.616.1.113527.','',
  AND is_ca='true';

Core contributors

  • Julien Vehent (lead maintainer)
  • Dimitris Bachtis (original dev)
  • Adrian Utrilla


  • Mozilla Public License Version 2.0


An observatory for TLS configurations, X509 certificates, and more.







No packages published


  • Go 89.2%
  • JavaScript 6.4%
  • HTML 1.8%
  • PLpgSQL 1.7%
  • Other 0.9%