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This project is a demo of OAuth2.0 server build on osin with services organized with go-kit


The project could be build into a Dockerized server with 'make docker-build'. An local image named 'auth-server' is available after that.

There are two CLI client demos whose images can be obtained by 'make docker-build-demo'. 'demo-auth' image could be used to query the server to get access tokens. Some clients and users should be created with 'demo-manage' image before we get access tokens.


Start Mysql

All resources the server needs are stored in Mysql, so we should start a Mysql server at first and create a 'demo' database:

$ docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=demo -p 3306:3306 -p 18080:18080 -p 14000:14000 -d --rm --name mysql mysql:5.7

$ docker exec -ti mysql mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -pdemo -e "create database demo"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

$ docker exec -ti mysql mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -pdemo -e "show databases"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| demo               |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |

Run auth server

Start the auth server as following:

$ docker run -d --rm --network=container:mysql auth-server -p demo

The container starts with '--network=container:mysql' parameter so that the server could share the same network with mysql container and query it with localhost.

The server serves the port 18080. As you can see, it is published by the mysql container.

Create a client and user

OAuth 2 is applied in the situations of authorizing the rights of users' resources to a client. So a client and a user should be created before we could continue this demo.

$ docker run --rm --network=container:mysql demo-manage create user habor whispir

$ docker run --rm --network=container:mysql demo-manage create client demo
Created client with id 'o_dle_dHSVWXXEPONAwEXQ' and secret '9d558ceae64f25743aee70d423673ad1'

Now we have a user named 'habor' with password 'whispir' and a client 'demo'. Remember the client id and secret.

Get access token

Password Grant

The Password grant is a grant type to authorize rights to official applications(e.g. the portal of your services) by just providing a user's name and password.

Suppose the 'demo' client is one of your official applications. A token generated in Password Grant type can be obtained as following:

$ docker run --rm --network=container:mysql demo-auth pg --client-id="o_dle_dHSVWXXEPONAwEXQ" --client-secret="9d558ceae64f25743aee70d423673ad1" habor whispir
Access token: wOXqKcduQt2YqPaeSJ2Gxg

Client Credentials

The Client Credentials grant type can be used when a third party application want to access resources of its own. So all required to exchange access token are the client id and secret.

$ docker run --rm --network=container:mysql demo-auth cc --client-id="o_dle_dHSVWXXEPONAwEXQ" --client-secret="9d558ceae64f25743aee70d423673ad1" 
Access token: NIplhonkRm-QUEQ2AkaPUw

Authorization code

The basic flow of OAuth 2 is generating an authorization code to a client after the user allowed the authorization request. Then the client can exchange an access token with the authorization code.

Type the following commands. It will start a server serving 14000 as the 'demo' app.

$ docker run --rm --network=container:mysql demo-auth ac --client-id="o_dle_dHSVWXXEPONAwEXQ" --client-secret="9d558ceae64f25743aee70d423673ad1" 
Please open http://localhost:18080/auth?client_id=o_dle_dHSVWXXEPONAwEXQ&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A14000%2Fappauth&response_type=code in your browser

Suppose you are a user visiting 'demo' app. It will redirect you to the auth server for authoriztion. Open the address and an authorization page will displayed:

authorization page

Login as user 'habor' with password 'whispir' to approve. Then the auth server will redirect you back to the 'demo' with the authorization code and display the access token exchanged with it:

result page

Run with API gateway Kong

Start Kong

Start a Cassandra container:

$ docker run -d --name kong-database -p 9042:9042 cassandra:3.10

Start a Kong container:

$ docker run -d --rm --name kong \
      --link kong-database:kong-database \
      -e "KONG_DATABASE=cassandra" \
      -e "KONG_CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=kong-database" \
      -p 8000:8000 \
      -p 8443:8443 \
      -p 8001:8001 \
      -p 7946:7946 \
      -p 7946:7946/udp \

Restart auth server

Stop auth-server container and start a new one with some env:

$ docker run -d --rm --network=container:mysql \
    -e KONG_HOST='http://<your server IP>:8001' \
    -e KONG_API_URL='http://<your server IP>:18080' \
    -e KONG_API_NAME='auth' \
    auth-server -p demo

KONG_HOST is the host of Kong. KONG_API_URL is the auth-server URL to be registered as "upstream_url" parameter. KONG_API_NAME is the API name of auth-server to be registered.

The API will be automatically registered after auth-server started.

The demo CLI could be run with some parameters as following:

$ docker run --rm --network=container:mysql \
    demo-manage create user -H <your server IP> -P 8000 -p /auth haborhuang whipsir
$docker run --network=container:mysql --rm \
    demo-auth cc -p /auth  -P 8000 -H <your server IP> \
    --client-id="5J-b0tMrTFS3AxLnrCfH5A" --client-secret="67d17382016d4b1b758b43737c49154d"

Kong host can be specified with "-H" parameter and the port with "-P". Use "-p" to specify the path prefix of auth-server API


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