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Version Control, Sharing and Collaborating with Git and Github

Jonathan Williams edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

Introduction to git

We had a short class on how the basics of git and how to use it to track and publish code for an individual and may have a future session on collaboration and advanced topics in git in the future. This was a session run over zoom by PhD Student Jon Williams on 16th June 2020. This serves as a very brief overview of the fundamentals of git and how to use it to track you own code base in research, including publishing to github as part of reproducible research. it doesn't cover how to work collaboratively with git and therefore doesn't cover branching and how to deal with clashes. However, it is designed to be a short (<1h) intro to git with a focus on a hands on approach to using git to track and archive code.

To run this mini session you will need to install git which can be done from this link. It would also be helpful to have participants register for (or an equivalent git server) to enable them to practice pushing and cloning repos.

Included here are the slides used to run the class as well as to send out afterwards with a little more detail.

Feel free to share these resources and materials with anyone you think might benefit, I'm also happy to be contacted about working with git if you have questions. Enjoy a more strreamlined way to track and share your research code!

Author: Jon Williams [email protected] 16/06/2020

Useful Resources

Reference Material


Collaboration with git

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