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iehality committed May 6, 2024
1 parent 45dfe40 commit 304b7d3
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Showing 4 changed files with 97 additions and 124 deletions.
61 changes: 44 additions & 17 deletions Arithmetization/EA/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,12 +48,25 @@ lemma exponential_exp (a : M) : Exponential a (exp a) := by
lemma exponential_graph {a b : M} : a = exp b ↔ Exponential b a :=
by rintro rfl; exact exponential_exp b, fun h ↦ Exponential.uniq h (exponential_exp b)⟩

alias ⟨_, exp_of_exponential⟩ := exponential_graph

@[simp] lemma exp_pow2 (a : M) : Pow2 (exp a) := (exponential_exp a).range_pow2

@[simp] lemma exp_monotone {a b : M} : exp a < exp b ↔ a < b :=
Iff.symm <| Exponential.monotone_iff (exponential_exp a) (exponential_exp b)

@[simp] lemma exp_monotone_le {a b : M} : exp a ≤ exp b ↔ a ≤ b :=
Iff.symm <| Exponential.monotone_le_iff (exponential_exp a) (exponential_exp b)

@[simp] lemma lt_exp (a : M) : a < exp a := (exponential_exp a).lt

@[simp] lemma exp_pos (a : M) : 0 < exp a := (exponential_exp a).range_pos

@[simp] lemma one_le_exp (a : M) : 1 ≤ exp a := (by simp)

lemma exp_inj : Function.Injective (Exp.exp : M → M) := λ a _ H ↦
(exponential_exp a).inj ( H)

instance : Structure.Monotone ℒₒᵣ(exp) M := ⟨
fun {k} f v₁ v₂ h ↦
match k, f with
Expand All @@ -72,32 +85,46 @@ lemma least_number {P : M → Prop} (hP : DefinablePred ℒₒᵣ Σ 0 P)
{x} (h : P x) : ∃ y, P y ∧ ∀ z < y, ¬P z :=
least_number_h Σ 0 hP h

example : 4 + 5 * 9 = 49 := by simp
@[elab_as_elim] lemma hierarchy_polynomial_induction_oRing_pi₁ [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚷₁] {P : M → Prop} (hP : DefinablePred ℒₒᵣ Π 1 P)
(zero : P 0) (even : ∀ x > 0, P x → P (2 * x)) (odd : ∀ x, P x → P (2 * x + 1)) : ∀ x, P x :=
hierarchy_polynomial_induction Π 1 hP zero even odd

@[simp] lemma log_exponential (a : M) : log (exp a) = a := (exponential_exp a).log_eq_of_exp

lemma exp_log_le_self {a : M} (pos : 0 < a) : exp (log a) ≤ a := by
rcases log_pos pos with ⟨_, _, H, _⟩
rcases H.uniq (exponential_exp (log a))

namespace ArithmetizedTerm
lemma lt_two_mul_exponential_log {a : M} (pos : 0 < a) : a < 2 * exp (log a) := by
rcases log_pos pos with ⟨_, _, H, _⟩
rcases H.uniq (exponential_exp (log a))

variable (L : Language) [(k : ℕ) → Encodable (L.Func k)] [(k : ℕ) → Encodable (L.Rel k)]
@[simp] lemma length_exponential (a : M) : ‖exp a‖ = a + 1 := by
simp [length_of_pos (exp_pos a)]

variable (M)
lemma exp_add (a b : M) : exp (a + b) = exp a * exp b :=
Eq.symm <| exp_of_exponential (Exponential.add_mul (exponential_exp a) (exponential_exp b))

class ArithmetizedLanguage where
isFunc : Δ₀(exp)-Sentence 2
isFunc_spec : DefinedRel ℒₒᵣ(exp) Σ 0 (fun (k' f' : M) ↦ ∃ (k : ℕ) (f : L.Func k), k' = k ∧ f' = Encodable.encode f) isFunc
isRel : Δ₀(exp)-Sentence 2
isRel_spec : DefinedRel ℒₒᵣ(exp) Σ 0 (fun (k' r' : M) ↦ ∃ (k : ℕ) (r : L.Rel k), k' = k ∧ r' = Encodable.encode r) isRel
lemma log_mul_exp_add_of_lt {a b : M} (pos : 0 < a) (i : M) (hb : b < exp i) : log (a * exp i + b) = log a + i := by
simp [log_mul_pow2_add_of_lt pos (exp_pow2 i) hb]

variable {M L}
lemma log_mul_exp {a : M} (pos : 0 < a) (i : M) : log (a * exp i) = log a + i := by
simp [log_mul_pow2 pos (exp_pow2 i)]

def bvar (x : M) : M := ⟪0, ⟪0, x⟫⟫
lemma length_mul_exp_add_of_lt {a b : M} (pos : 0 < a) (i : M) (hb : b < exp i) : ‖a * exp i + b‖ = ‖a‖ + i := by
simp [length_mul_pow2_add_of_lt pos (exp_pow2 i) hb]

def fvar (x : M) : M := ⟪0, ⟪1, x⟫⟫
lemma length_mul_exp {a : M} (pos : 0 < a) (i : M) : ‖a * exp i‖ = ‖a‖ + i := by
simp [length_mul_pow2 pos (exp_pow2 i)]

def func : {k : ℕ} → (f : L.Func k) → M
| k, f => ⟪k, ⟪2, Encodable.encode f⟫⟫
lemma exp_le_iff_le_log {i a : M} (pos : 0 < a) : exp i ≤ a ↔ i ≤ log a :=
by intro h; simpa using log_monotone h, fun h ↦ le_trans (exp_monotone_le.mpr h) (exp_log_le_self pos)⟩

end ArithmetizedTerm
@[elab_as_elim] lemma polynomial_induction {P : M → Prop} (hP : DefinablePred ℒₒᵣ(exp) Σ 0 P)
(zero : P 0) (even : ∀ x > 0, P x → P (2 * x)) (odd : ∀ x, P x → P (2 * x + 1)) : ∀ x, P x :=
hierarchy_polynomial_induction Σ 0 hP zero even odd

end Model.EA

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134 changes: 40 additions & 94 deletions Arithmetization/EA/Bit.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,37 +41,33 @@ lemma mem_iff_bit_lenbitL {i a : M} : i ∈ a ↔ LenBit (exp i) a :=

lemma exp_le_of_mem {i a : M} (h : i ∈ a) : exp i ≤ a := LenBit.le ( h)

@[simp] lemma lt_exp (a : M) : a < exp a := (exponential_exp a).lt

lemma lt_of_mem {i a : M} (h : i ∈ a) : i < a := lt_of_lt_of_le (lt_exp i) (exp_le_of_mem h)


variable {L : Language} [L.ORing] [Structure L M] [Structure.ORing L M] [Structure.Monotone L M]

variable (Γ : Polarity) (n : ℕ)

@[definability] lemma Definable.ball_mem {P : (Fin k → M) → M → Prop} {f : (Fin k → M) → M}
(hf : Semipolynomial L Γ n f) (h : Definable L Γ n (fun w ↦ P (w ·.succ) (w 0))) :
Definable L Γ n (fun v ↦ ∀ x ∈ f v, P v x) := by
(hf : Semipolynomial ℒₒᵣ(exp) Γ n f) (h : Definable ℒₒᵣ(exp) Γ n (fun w ↦ P (w ·.succ) (w 0))) :
Definable ℒₒᵣ(exp) Γ n (fun v ↦ ∀ x ∈ f v, P v x) := by
rcases hf.bounded with ⟨bf, hbf⟩
rcases hf.definable with ⟨f_graph, hf_graph⟩
rcases h with ⟨p, hp⟩
exact ⟨⟨“∃[#0 < !!(Rew.bShift bf) + 1] (!f_graph ∧ ∀[#0 < #1] (!bitDef .[#0, #1] → !((Rew.substs (#0 :> (#·.succ.succ))).hom p)))”,
by simp; apply Hierarchy.oringEmb; simp⟩,
exact ⟨⟨“∃[#0 < !!(Rew.bShift bf) + 1] (!f_graph ∧ ∀[#0 < #1] (!bitDef.[#0, #1] → !((Rew.substs (#0 :> (#·.succ.succ))).hom p)))”,
by simp⟩,
by intro v; simp [hf_graph.eval, hp.eval, bit_defined.pval, ←le_iff_lt_succ]
· rintro h; exact ⟨f v, hbf v, rfl, fun x _ hx ↦ h x hx⟩
· rintro ⟨_, _, rfl, h⟩ x hx; exact h x (lt_of_mem hx) hx⟩

@[definability] lemma Definable.bex_mem {P : (Fin k → M) → M → Prop} {f : (Fin k → M) → M}
(hf : Semipolynomial L Γ n f) (h : Definable L Γ n (fun w ↦ P (w ·.succ) (w 0))) :
Definable L Γ n (fun v ↦ ∃ x ∈ f v, P v x) := by
(hf : Semipolynomial ℒₒᵣ(exp) Γ n f) (h : Definable ℒₒᵣ(exp) Γ n (fun w ↦ P (w ·.succ) (w 0))) :
Definable ℒₒᵣ(exp) Γ n (fun v ↦ ∃ x ∈ f v, P v x) := by
rcases hf.bounded with ⟨bf, hbf⟩
rcases hf.definable with ⟨f_graph, hf_graph⟩
rcases h with ⟨p, hp⟩
exact ⟨⟨“∃[#0 < !!(Rew.bShift bf) + 1] (!f_graph ∧ ∃[#0 < #1] (!bitDef .[#0, #1] ∧ !((Rew.substs (#0 :> (#·.succ.succ))).hom p)))”,
by simp; apply Hierarchy.oringEmb; simp⟩,
by simp⟩,
by intro v; simp [hf_graph.eval, hp.eval, bit_defined.pval, ←le_iff_lt_succ]
· rintro ⟨x, hx, h⟩; exact ⟨f v, hbf v, rfl, x, lt_of_mem hx, hx, h⟩
Expand All @@ -80,11 +76,11 @@ variable (Γ : Polarity) (n : ℕ)

lemma mem_iff_mul_exp_add_exp_add {i a : M} : i ∈ a ↔ ∃ k, ∃ r < exp i, a = k * exp (i + 1) + exp i + r := by
simp [mem_iff_bit, exp_succ]
simp [mem_iff_lenBit_exp, exp_succ]
exact lenbit_iff_add_mul (exp_pow2 i) (a := a)

lemma not_mem_iff_mul_exp_add {i a : M} : i ∉ a ↔ ∃ k, ∃ r < exp i, a = k * exp (i + 1) + r := by
simp [mem_iff_bit, exp_succ]
simp [mem_iff_lenBit_exp, exp_succ]
exact not_lenbit_iff_add_mul (exp_pow2 i) (a := a)

@[simp] lemma not_mem_zero (i : M) : i ∉ (0 : M) := by simp [mem_iff_bit, Bit]
Expand All @@ -93,14 +89,14 @@ lemma not_mem_iff_mul_exp_add {i a : M} : i ∉ a ↔ ∃ k, ∃ r < exp i, a =
i ∈ insert j a ↔ i = j ∨ i ∈ a := by
by_cases h : j ∈ a <;> simp [h, insert_eq, bitInsert]
· by_cases e : i = j <;> simp [h, e]
· simpa [exp_inj.eq_iff] using
lenbit_add_pow2_iff_of_not_lenbit (exp_pow2 i) (exp_pow2 j) h
· simpa [mem_iff_lenBit_exp, exp_inj.eq_iff] using
lenbit_add_pow2_iff_of_not_lenbit (a := a) (exp_pow2 i) (exp_pow2 j) (by simpa [←mem_iff_lenBit_exp] using h)

@[simp] lemma mem_bitRemove_iff {i j a : M} :
i ∈ bitRemove j a ↔ i ≠ j ∧ i ∈ a := by
by_cases h : j ∈ a <;> simp [h, bitRemove]
· simpa [exp_inj.eq_iff] using
lenbit_sub_pow2_iff_of_lenbit (exp_pow2 i) (exp_pow2 j) h
· simpa [mem_iff_lenBit_exp, exp_inj.eq_iff] using
lenbit_sub_pow2_iff_of_lenbit (exp_pow2 i) (exp_pow2 j) (by simpa [←mem_iff_lenBit_exp] using h)
· rintro _ rfl; contradiction

lemma bitRemove_lt_of_mem {i a : M} (h : i ∈ a) : bitRemove i a < a := by
Expand All @@ -117,7 +113,8 @@ lemma log_mem_of_pos {a : M} (h : 0 < a) : log a ∈ a :=

lemma le_log_of_mem {i a : M} (h : i ∈ a) : i ≤ log a := (exp_le_iff_le_log (pos_of_nonempty h)).mp (exp_le_of_mem h)

lemma succ_mem_iff_mem_div_two {i a : M} : i + 1 ∈ a ↔ i ∈ a / 2 := by simp [mem_iff_bit, Bit, LenBit.iff_rem, exp_succ, div_mul]
lemma succ_mem_iff_mem_div_two {i a : M} : i + 1 ∈ a ↔ i ∈ a / 2 := by
simp [mem_iff_lenBit_exp, LenBit.iff_rem, exp_succ, div_mul]

lemma lt_length_of_mem {i a : M} (h : i ∈ a) : i < ‖a‖ := by
simpa [length_of_pos (pos_of_nonempty h), ←le_iff_lt_succ] using le_log_of_mem h
Expand All @@ -131,13 +128,13 @@ lemma lt_exp_iff {a i : M} : a < exp i ↔ ∀ j ∈ a, j < i :=

instance : HasSubset M := ⟨fun a b ↦ ∀ ⦃i⦄, i ∈ a → i ∈ b⟩

def bitSubsetDef : Δ₀-Sentence 2 := ⟨“∀[#0 < #1] (!bitDef [#0, #1] → !bitDef [#0, #2])”, by simp⟩
def bitSubsetDef : Δ₀(exp)-Sentence 2 := ⟨“∀[#0 < #1] (!bitDef [#0, #1] → !bitDef [#0, #2])”, by simp⟩

lemma bitSubset_defined : Δ₀-Relation ((· ⊆ ·) : M → M → Prop) via bitSubsetDef := by
lemma bitSubset_defined : DefinedRel ℒₒᵣ(exp) Σ 0 ((· ⊆ ·) : M → M → Prop) bitSubsetDef := by
intro v; simp [bitSubsetDef, bit_defined.pval]
exact ⟨by intro h x _ hx; exact h hx, by intro h x hx; exact h x (lt_of_mem hx) hx⟩

instance bitSubset_definable : DefinableRel ℒₒᵣ Σ 0 ((· ⊆ ·) : M → M → Prop) := defined_to_with_param₀ _ bitSubset_defined
instance bitSubset_definable : DefinableRel ℒₒᵣ(exp) Σ 0 ((· ⊆ ·) : M → M → Prop) := defined_to_with_param₀ _ bitSubset_defined

lemma mem_exp_add_succ_sub_one (i j : M) : i ∈ exp (i + j + 1) - 1 := by
have : exp (i + j + 1) - 1 = (exp j - 1) * exp (i + 1) + exp i + (exp i - 1) := calc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,13 +175,29 @@ lemma subset_div_two {a b : M} : a ⊆ b → a / 2 ⊆ b / 2 := by
have : i + 1 ∈ a := succ_mem_iff_mem_div_two.mpr hi
exact <| ss this

lemma zero_mem_iff {a : M} : 0 ∉ a ↔ 2 ∣ a := by simp [mem_iff_bit, Bit, LenBit]
lemma zero_mem_iff {a : M} : 0 ∉ a ↔ 2 ∣ a := by simp [mem_iff_lenBit_exp, LenBit]

@[simp] lemma zero_not_mem (a : M) : 02 * a := by simp [mem_iff_lenBit_exp, LenBit]

@[simp] lemma zero_not_mem (a : M) : 0 ∉ 2 * a := by simp [mem_iff_bit, Bit, LenBit]
private lemma le_of_subset_aux {a b : M} (h : a ⊆ b) : a ≤ 2 * b := by
rcases zero_le a with (rfl | pos)
· simp
· have bpos : 0 < b := by
rcases zero_le b with (rfl | bpos)
· simp [eq_zero_of_subset_zero h] at pos
· exact bpos
have : 2 * exp log a ≤ 2 * exp log b :=
mul_le_mul_left <| exp_monotone_le.mpr <| le_log_of_mem <| h <| log_mem_of_pos pos
a ≤ 2 * exp log a := le_of_lt <| lt_two_mul_exponential_log pos
_ ≤ 2 * exp log b := this
_ ≤ 2 * b := by simpa using exp_log_le_self bpos

lemma le_of_subset {a b : M} (h : a ⊆ b) : a ≤ b := by
induction b using hierarchy_polynomial_induction_oRing_pi₁ generalizing a
· definability
induction b using polynomial_induction generalizing a
· exact Definable.of_iff (fun v ↦ ∀ a ≤ 2 * v 0, a ⊆ v 0 → a ≤ v 0)
(fun x ↦ ⟨fun H a _ h ↦ H h, fun H b h ↦ H b (le_of_subset_aux h) h⟩)
(by definability)
case zero =>
simp [eq_zero_of_subset_zero h]
case even b _ IH =>
Expand All @@ -199,74 +212,7 @@ lemma le_of_subset {a b : M} (h : a ⊆ b) : a ≤ b := by
lemma mem_ext {a b : M} (h : ∀ i, i ∈ a ↔ i ∈ b) : a = b :=
le_antisymm (le_of_subset fun i hi ↦ (h i).mp hi) (le_of_subset fun i hi ↦ (h i).mpr hi)

end ISigma₁
variable {n : ℕ} [Fact (1 ≤ n)] [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝐍𝐃Σ n]
theorem finset_comprehension {P : M → Prop} (hP : Γ(n)-Predicate P) (a : M) :
haveI : M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁ := mod_iSigma_of_le (show 1 ≤ n from Fact.out)
∃ s < exp a, ∀ i < a, i ∈ s ↔ P i := by
haveI : M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁ := mod_iSigma_of_le (show 1 ≤ n from Fact.out)
have : ∃ s < exp a, ∀ i < a, P i → i ∈ s :=
⟨under a, pred_lt_self_of_pos (by simp), fun i hi _ ↦ by simpa [mem_under_iff] using hi⟩
rcases this with ⟨s, hsn, hs⟩
have : (Γ.alt)(n)-Predicate (fun s ↦ ∀ i < a, P i → i ∈ s) := by
apply Definable.ball_lt; simp; apply Definable.imp
apply @Definable.of_sigma_zero M ℒₒᵣ _ _ _ _ mem_definable
have : ∃ t, (∀ i < a, P i → i ∈ t) ∧ ∀ t' < t, ∃ x, P x ∧ x < a ∧ x ∉ t' := by
simpa using least_number_h (L := ℒₒᵣ) Γ.alt n this hs
rcases this with ⟨t, ht, t_minimal⟩
have t_le_s : t ≤ s := (by
intro lt
rcases t_minimal s lt with ⟨i, hi, hin, his⟩
exact his (hs i hin hi))
have : ∀ i < a, i ∈ t → P i := by
intro i _ hit
by_contra Hi
have : ∃ j, P j ∧ j < a ∧ (j ∈ t → j = i) := by
simpa [not_imp_not] using t_minimal (bitRemove i t) (bitRemove_lt_of_mem hit)
rcases this with ⟨j, Hj, hjn, hm⟩
rcases hm (ht j hjn Hj); contradiction
exact ⟨t, lt_of_le_of_lt t_le_s hsn, fun i hi ↦ ⟨this i hi, ht i hi⟩⟩
theorem finset_comprehension_exists_unique {P : M → Prop} (hP : Γ(n)-Predicate P) (a : M) :
haveI : M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁ := mod_iSigma_of_le (show 1 ≤ n from Fact.out)
∃! s, s < exp a ∧ ∀ i < a, i ∈ s ↔ P i := by
haveI : M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁ := mod_iSigma_of_le (show 1 ≤ n from Fact.out)
rcases finset_comprehension hP a with ⟨s, hs, Hs⟩
exact ExistsUnique.intro s ⟨hs, Hs⟩ (by
intro t ⟨ht, Ht⟩
apply mem_ext
intro i
· intro hi
have hin : i < a := (lt_of_le_of_lt (exp_le_of_mem hi) ht)
exact (Hs i hin).mpr ((Ht i hin).mp hi)
· intro hi
have hin : i < a := (lt_of_le_of_lt (exp_le_of_mem hi) hs)
exact (Ht i hin).mpr ((Hs i hin).mp hi))
section ISigma₁
variable [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁]
instance : Fact (1 ≤ 1) := ⟨by rfl⟩
theorem finset_comprehension₁ {P : M → Prop} (hP : Γ(1)-Predicate P) (a : M) :
∃ s < exp a, ∀ i < a, i ∈ s ↔ P i :=
finset_comprehension hP a
lemma domain_exists_unique (s : M) :
∃! d : M, ∀ x, x ∈ d ↔ ∃ y, ⟪x, y⟫ ∈ s := by { }
end ISigma₁
end EA

end Model

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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions Arithmetization/IDeltaZero/Exponential/Exp.lean
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Expand Up @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ instance : _root_.Exp M := ⟨fun a ↦ Classical.choose! (Exponential.range_exi

section exponential

lemma exp_exponential (a : M) : Exponential a (exp a) := Classical.choose!_spec (Exponential.range_exists_unique a)
lemma exponential_exp (a : M) : Exponential a (exp a) := Classical.choose!_spec (Exponential.range_exists_unique a)

lemma exponential_graph {a b : M} : a = exp b ↔ Exponential b a := Classical.choose!_eq_iff _

Expand All @@ -723,34 +723,34 @@ lemma exp_of_exponential {a b : M} (h : Exponential a b) : exp a = b :=
Eq.symm <| exponential_graph.mpr h

lemma exp_inj : Function.Injective (Exp.exp : M → M) := λ a _ H ↦
(exp_exponential a).inj ( H)
(exponential_exp a).inj ( H)

@[simp] lemma exp_zero : exp (0 : M) = 1 := exp_of_exponential (by simp)

@[simp] lemma exp_one : exp (1 : M) = 2 := exp_of_exponential (by simp)

lemma exp_succ (a : M) : exp (a + 1) = 2 * exp a :=
exp_of_exponential <| Exponential.exponential_succ_mul_two.mpr <| exp_exponential a
exp_of_exponential <| Exponential.exponential_succ_mul_two.mpr <| exponential_exp a

instance models_exponential_of_models_iSigmaOne : M ⊧ₘ* 𝐄𝐗𝐏 :=
by intro f hf; rcases hf <;> simp [models_iff, exp_succ]⟩

lemma exp_even (a : M) : exp (2 * a) = (exp a)^2 :=
exp_of_exponential <| Exponential.exponential_even_sq.mpr <| exp_exponential a
exp_of_exponential <| Exponential.exponential_even_sq.mpr <| exponential_exp a

@[simp] lemma lt_exp (a : M) : a < exp a := (exp_exponential a).lt
@[simp] lemma lt_exp (a : M) : a < exp a := (exponential_exp a).lt

@[simp] lemma exp_pos (a : M) : 0 < exp a := (exp_exponential a).range_pos
@[simp] lemma exp_pos (a : M) : 0 < exp a := (exponential_exp a).range_pos

@[simp] lemma one_le_exp (a : M) : 1 ≤ exp a := (by simp)

@[simp] lemma exp_pow2 (a : M) : Pow2 (exp a) := (exp_exponential a).range_pow2
@[simp] lemma exp_pow2 (a : M) : Pow2 (exp a) := (exponential_exp a).range_pow2

@[simp] lemma exp_monotone {a b : M} : exp a < exp b ↔ a < b :=
Iff.symm <| Exponential.monotone_iff (exp_exponential a) (exp_exponential b)
Iff.symm <| Exponential.monotone_iff (exponential_exp a) (exponential_exp b)

@[simp] lemma exp_monotone_le {a b : M} : exp a ≤ exp b ↔ a ≤ b :=
Iff.symm <| Exponential.monotone_le_iff (exp_exponential a) (exp_exponential b)
Iff.symm <| Exponential.monotone_le_iff (exponential_exp a) (exponential_exp b)

end exponential

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Arithmetization/IDeltaZero/Exponential/Log.lean
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Expand Up @@ -439,23 +439,23 @@ section ISigma₁

variable [M ⊧ₘ* 𝐈𝚺₁]

@[simp] lemma log_exponential (a : M) : log (exp a) = a := (exp_exponential a).log_eq_of_exp
@[simp] lemma log_exponential (a : M) : log (exp a) = a := (exponential_exp a).log_eq_of_exp

lemma exp_log_le_self {a : M} (pos : 0 < a) : exp (log a) ≤ a := by
rcases log_pos pos with ⟨_, _, H, _⟩
rcases H.uniq (exp_exponential (log a))
rcases H.uniq (exponential_exp (log a))

lemma lt_two_mul_exponential_log {a : M} (pos : 0 < a) : a < 2 * exp (log a) := by
rcases log_pos pos with ⟨_, _, H, _⟩
rcases H.uniq (exp_exponential (log a))
rcases H.uniq (exponential_exp (log a))

@[simp] lemma length_exponential (a : M) : ‖exp a‖ = a + 1 := by
simp [length_of_pos (exp_pos a)]

lemma exp_add (a b : M) : exp (a + b) = exp a * exp b :=
exp_of_exponential (Exponential.add_mul (exp_exponential a) (exp_exponential b))
exp_of_exponential (Exponential.add_mul (exponential_exp a) (exponential_exp b))

lemma log_mul_exp_add_of_lt {a b : M} (pos : 0 < a) (i : M) (hb : b < exp i) : log (a * exp i + b) = log a + i := by
simp [log_mul_pow2_add_of_lt pos (exp_pow2 i) hb]
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