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SnO2WMaN committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent 6488ae0 commit d30eb5b
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Showing 2 changed files with 132 additions and 51 deletions.
112 changes: 61 additions & 51 deletions LabelledSystem/Gentzen/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ namespace SequentPart

@[simp] def isFreshLabel (x : Label) (Γ : SequentPart) : Prop := (x ∉ Γ LabelledFormula.label) ∧ (∀ y, (x, y) ∉ Γ.rels) ∧ (∀ y, (y, x) ∉ Γ.rels)

abbrev replaceLabel (σ : Label → Label) (Γ : SequentPart) : SequentPart :=
⟨Γ (LabelledFormula.labelReplace σ), Γ (LabelTerm.replace σ)⟩
notation Γ "⟦" σ "⟧" => SequentPart.replaceLabel σ Γ

instance : Decidable (isFreshLabel Γ x) := by
simp [isFreshLabel];
Expand All @@ -34,6 +30,14 @@ lemma not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₁ (h : Γ.isFreshLabel x) : ∀ y, (x

lemma not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₂ (h : Γ.isFreshLabel x) : ∀ y, (y, x) ∉ Γ.rels := by have := h.2.2; aesop;

abbrev replaceLabel (σ : Label → Label) (Γ : SequentPart) : SequentPart :=
⟨Γ (LabelledFormula.labelReplace σ), Γ (LabelTerm.replace σ)⟩
notation Γ "⟦" σ "⟧" => SequentPart.replaceLabel σ Γ

abbrev add (Γ Δ : SequentPart) : SequentPart := ⟨Γ.fmls + Δ.fmls, Γ.rels + Δ.rels⟩
instance : Add SequentPart := ⟨add⟩

end SequentPart

Expand All @@ -59,8 +63,8 @@ end Sequent

inductive Derivation : Sequent → Type _
| axA {Γ Δ : SequentPart} {x} {a} : Derivation (⟨(x ∶ atom a) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ atom a) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩)
| axBot {Γ Δ : SequentPart} {x} : Derivation (⟨(x ∶ ⊥) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ)
| initAtom {Γ Δ : SequentPart} {x} {a} : Derivation (⟨(x ∶ atom a) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ atom a) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩)
| initBot {Γ Δ : SequentPart} {x} : Derivation (⟨(x ∶ ⊥) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ)
| impL {Γ Δ : SequentPart} {x} {φ ψ} :
Derivation (Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩) →
Derivation (⟨(x ∶ ψ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ) →
Expand All @@ -77,17 +81,17 @@ inductive Derivation : Sequent → Type _
Derivation (Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ □φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩)
prefix:40 "⊢ᵍ " => Derivation

export Derivation (axA axBot impL impR boxL boxR)
export Derivation (initAtom initBot impL impR boxL boxR)

abbrev Derivable (S : Sequent) : Prop := Nonempty (⊢ᵍ S)
prefix:40 "⊢ᵍ! " => Derivable

section height
section Height

def Derivation.height {S : Sequent} : ⊢ᵍ S → ℕ
| axA => 1
| axBot => 1
| initAtom => 1
| initBot => 1
| impL d₁ d₂ => max d₁.height d₂.height + 1
| impR d => d.height + 1
| boxL d => d.height + 1
Expand All @@ -103,15 +107,21 @@ def DerivationWithHeight.ofDerivation (d : ⊢ᵍ S) : ⊢ᵍ[d.height] S := ⟨
abbrev DerivableWithHeight (S : Sequent) (h : ℕ) : Prop := Nonempty (⊢ᵍ[h] S)
notation:40 "⊢ᵍ[ " h " ]! " S => DerivableWithHeight S h

end height
end Height

variable {Γ Γ₁ Γ₂ Δ Δ₁ Δ₂ : SequentPart}

variable {Γ Δ : SequentPart}

def axF : ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩) := by

def initFml : ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩) := by
induction φ using Formula.rec' generalizing Γ Δ x with
| hatom a => exact axA
| hfalsum => exact axBot
| hatom a => exact initAtom
| hfalsum => exact initBot
| himp φ ψ ihφ ihψ =>
apply impR;
simpa [Multiset.cons_swap] using impL ihφ ihψ;
Expand All @@ -121,68 +131,68 @@ def axF : ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::
apply boxL;
simpa [Multiset.cons_swap] using ih (Γ := ⟨(x ∶ □φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, _ ::ₘ Γ.rels⟩);

def initFml' (x φ) (hΓ : (x ∶ φ) ∈ Γ.fmls) (hΔ : (x ∶ φ) ∈ Δ.fmls) : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ := by
suffices ⊢ᵍ (⟨Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩) by simpa;
have eΓ := Multiset.cons_erase hΓ;
have eΔ := Multiset.cons_erase hΔ;
rw [←eΓ, ←eΔ];
simpa using initFml (Γ := ⟨Γ.fmls.erase (x ∶ φ), _⟩) (Δ := ⟨Δ.fmls.erase (x ∶ φ), _⟩);

def axiomK : ⊢ᵍ ⟨⟨∅, ∅⟩, ⟨{x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ) ➝ □φ ➝ □ψ}, ∅⟩⟩ := by
letI y : Label := x + 1;
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
apply impR;
apply boxR (y := y) (by simp [y]) (by simp) (by simp);
suffices ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ □φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)}, {(x, y)}⟩ ⟹ ⟨{y ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩) by simpa;
apply boxL (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩);
suffices ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {(x ∶ □φ)}, {(x, y)}⟩ ⟹ ⟨{y ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩) by
have e : (x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □φ} = (x ∶ □φ) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)} := by sorry;
simpa [e];
apply boxL (x := x) (φ := φ ➝ ψ) (Γ := ⟨{y ∶ φ, x ∶ □φ}, _⟩);
suffices ⊢ᵍ (⟨(y ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ {y ∶ φ, x ∶ □φ, x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)}, {(x, y)}⟩ ⟹ ⟨{y ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩) by
have e : (x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □φ} = (y ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ {y ∶ φ, x ∶ □φ, x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)} := by sorry;
simpa [e];
apply impL (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩);
. simpa using axF (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩) (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
. simpa using axF (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩) (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);

section replaceLabel
section ReplaceLabel

def replaceLabel (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) (σ : Label → Label) : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ⟦σ⟧ ⟹ Δ⟦σ⟧ := by sorry;
def replaceLabelₕ (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) (σ : Label → Label) : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ⟦σ⟧ ⟹ Δ⟦σ⟧ := by sorry;

def replaceLabel' (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) (σ : Label → Label) : ⊢ᵍ Γ⟦σ⟧ ⟹ Δ⟦σ⟧ := replaceLabel (.ofDerivation d) σ |>.drv
def replaceLabel (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) (σ : Label → Label) : ⊢ᵍ Γ⟦σ⟧ ⟹ Δ⟦σ⟧ := replaceLabelₕ (.ofDerivation d) σ |>.drv

end replaceLabel
end ReplaceLabel

section Weakening

def wkFmlL (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := by sorry
def wkFmlLₕ (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := by sorry

def wkFmlL' (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := wkFmlL (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv
def wkFmlL (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := wkFmlLₕ (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv

def wkRelL (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] ⟨Γ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := by sorry
def wkRelLₕ (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] ⟨Γ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := by sorry

def wkRelL' (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ ⟨Γ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := wkRelL (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv
def wkRelL (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ ⟨Γ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ := wkRelLₕ (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv

def wkFmlR (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩ := by sorry
def wkFmlRₕ (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩ := by sorry

def wkFmlR' (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩ := wkFmlR (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv
def wkFmlR (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩ := wkFmlRₕ (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv

def wkRelR (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ ⟨Δ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Δ.rels⟩ := by sorry
def wkRelRₕ (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ[h] Γ ⟹ ⟨Δ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Δ.rels⟩ := by sorry

def wkRelR' (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ ⟨Δ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Δ.rels⟩ := wkRelR (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv
def wkRelR (d : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ Δ) : ⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ ⟨Δ.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Δ.rels⟩ := wkRelRₕ (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv

end Weakening

def necessitation (d : ⊢ᵍ ⟨⟨∅, ∅⟩, ⟨{x ∶ φ}, ∅⟩⟩) : ⊢ᵍ ⟨⟨∅, ∅⟩, ⟨{x ∶ □φ}, ∅⟩⟩ := by
letI y : Label := x + 1;
apply boxR (Δ := ⟨∅, ∅⟩) (y := y) (by simp [y]) (by simp) (by simp);
apply wkRelL';
simpa [SequentPart.replaceLabel, LabelledFormula.labelReplace, LabelReplace.specific] using replaceLabel' d (x ⧸ y);

section Inv

end Gentzen
def implyRInvₕ (d : ⊢ᵍ[h] (Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩)) : ⊢ᵍ[h] (⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ ψ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩) := by sorry

def implyRInv (d : ⊢ᵍ (Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩)) : ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ ψ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩) := implyRInvₕ (d := .ofDerivation d) |>.drv

end Inv

section Cut

def cutRel (d₁ : ⊢ᵍ Γ₁ ⟹ ⟨Δ₁.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Δ₁.rels⟩) (d₂ : ⊢ᵍ ⟨Γ₂.fmls, (x, y) ::ₘ Γ₂.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ₂) : ⊢ᵍ (Γ₁ + Γ₂) ⟹ (Δ₁ + Δ₂) := by

def cutFml (d₁ : ⊢ᵍ Γ₁ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ₁.fmls, Δ₁.rels⟩) (d₂ : ⊢ᵍ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ₂.fmls, Γ₂.rels⟩ ⟹ Δ₂) : ⊢ᵍ (Γ₁ + Γ₂) ⟹ (Δ₁ + Δ₂) := by

end Cut

end Gentzen

end Labelled

Expand Down
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions LabelledSystem/Gentzen/Hilbert.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import LabelledSystem.Gentzen.Basic

namespace LO.Modal.Labelled.Gentzen

-- def Sequent.ofFormula (φ : Formula ℕ) : Sequent := ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{0 ∶ φ}, ∅⟩

variable {x : Label} {φ ψ χ : Formula ℕ}

def imply₁ : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ φ ➝ ψ ➝ φ}, ∅⟩ := by
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
have e : (x ∶ ψ) ::ₘ {x ∶ φ} = (x ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ ψ} := by sorry;
exact initFml' x φ (by simp) (by simp);

def imply₂ : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ (φ ➝ ψ ➝ χ) ➝ (φ ➝ ψ) ➝ φ ➝ χ}, ∅⟩ := by
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
rw [Multiset.cons_swap];
apply impL (Γ := ⟨{x ∶ φ, x ∶ φ ➝ ψ ➝ χ}, _⟩);
. exact initFml' x φ (by simp) (by simp);
. suffices ⊢ᵍ ⟨(x ∶ φ ➝ ψ ➝ χ) ::ₘ {x ∶ ψ, x ∶ φ}, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ χ}, ∅⟩ by
have e : (x ∶ ψ) ::ₘ (x ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ φ ➝ ψ ➝ χ} = (x ∶ φ ➝ ψ ➝ χ) ::ₘ {x ∶ ψ, x ∶ φ} := by sorry;
simpa [e];
apply impL (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩);
. exact initFml' x φ (by simp) (by simp);
. apply impL (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩);
. exact initFml' x ψ (by simp) (by simp);
. exact initFml' x χ (by simp) (by simp);

def elimContra : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ (∼ψ ➝ ∼φ) ➝ (φ ➝ ψ)}, ∅⟩ := by
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
rw [Multiset.cons_swap];
apply impL (Γ := ⟨{x ∶ φ}, _⟩);
. -- TODO: `⊢ᵍ Γ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ ∼ψ) ::ₘ {x ∶ ψ}, Δ.rels⟩`
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
exact initFml' x ψ (by simp) (by simp);
. -- TODO: `⊢ᵍ ⟨(x ∶ ∼φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ φ} :: Γ.fmls, ∅⟩ ⟹ Δ`
apply impL (Γ := ⟨{x ∶ φ}, _⟩);
. exact initFml' x φ (by simp) (by simp);
. exact initBot;

def axiomK : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ) ➝ □φ ➝ □ψ}, ∅⟩ := by
letI y : Label := x + 1;
apply impR (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
apply impR;
apply boxR (y := y) (by simp [y]) (by simp) (by simp);
suffices ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ □φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)}, {(x, y)}⟩ ⟹ ⟨{y ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩) by simpa;
apply boxL (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩);
suffices ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {(x ∶ □φ)}, {(x, y)}⟩ ⟹ ⟨{y ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩) by
have e : (x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □φ} = (x ∶ □φ) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)} := by sorry;
simpa [e];
apply boxL (Γ := ⟨{y ∶ φ, x ∶ □φ}, _⟩);
suffices ⊢ᵍ (⟨(y ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ {y ∶ φ, x ∶ □φ, x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)}, {(x, y)}⟩ ⟹ ⟨{y ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩) by
have e : (x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ (y ∶ φ) ::ₘ {x ∶ □φ} = (y ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ::ₘ {y ∶ φ, x ∶ □φ, x ∶ □(φ ➝ ψ)} := by sorry;
simpa [e];
apply impL (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩);
. simpa using initFml (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩) (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);
. simpa using initFml (Γ := ⟨_, _⟩) (Δ := ⟨_, _⟩);

def mdp (d₁ : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ φ ➝ ψ}, ∅⟩) (d₂ : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ φ}, ∅⟩) : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩ := by
simpa using cutFml (Δ₁ := ⟨∅, ∅⟩) (Δ₂ := ⟨{x ∶ ψ}, ∅⟩) d₂ $ implyRInv (Δ := ⟨∅, ∅⟩) d₁;

def necessitation (d : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ φ}, ∅⟩) : ⊢ᵍ ⟨∅, ∅⟩ ⟹ ⟨{x ∶ □φ}, ∅⟩ := by
letI y : Label := x + 1;
apply boxR (Δ := ⟨∅, ∅⟩) (y := y) (by simp [y]) (by simp) (by simp);
apply wkRelL;
simpa [SequentPart.replaceLabel, LabelledFormula.labelReplace, LabelReplace.specific] using replaceLabel d (x ⧸ y);

end LO.Modal.Labelled.Gentzen

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