These two Python scripts rename subfolders in a folder. There are two files. One to add a prefix to a subfolder ( and one to delete a prefix or a part of the subfoldername (
To install the renamesubfolders all you need to do is:
- Download and install an instance of Python
- Open your terminal navigate to the desired folder and use
git clone
- Open the folder in which the git was cloned
- Run the desired function by using e.g.
The user will be asked to select a rootfolder in which the folders will be renamed. After selection the user is asked to define a prefix (in terminal). After executing there will be a logfile created in the rootfolder with the name logfile_add_prefix.log
The user will be asked to select a rootfolder in which the folders or files will be renamed. After selection the user is asked to define a string (in terminal). The deletion of a part of the name will be done when the string is found in the name. So for example:
I have a subfolder with the following name Freddy_personal_finance and I run the script. The string I entered is personal, so the new name will be Freddyfinance
In the rootfolder there will be a logfile created with the name logfile_delete_woord.log