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Dolf Schimmel edited this page Apr 3, 2016 · 6 revisions


ClueGetter provides a means of tracking mail throughout your mail cluster. It uses a set of (optional) modules to determine whether a message should be allowed, temporarily rejected, or permanently rejected. There's a web interface that allows easy insight into where an email went, and the reason(s) it was rejected or allowed to pass through - saving your support department from ever having to ask the technical department again where an email went.


  • Quotas - Limit the number of emails (per ip, sasl user, recipient, sender) over an arbitrary amount of time. Can also be used for rate limiting purposes.
  • SpamAssassin - Determine whether an email is SPAM through SpamAssassin.
  • Rspamd - Determine whether an email is SPAM through Rspamd. Can be used alongside the SpamAssassin module.
  • ClamAV/Clamd - Scan the message for viruses, malware, etc.
  • Greylisting - Ask a server to try again in a bit if it wasn't seen before and the mail looks spammy.
  • Bounce Handling - Keep track of what emails were rejected by remote MTAs and for what reasons.
  • Abusers - Present a list of users in the web interface who had an unusual amount of email rejected. Usually these users have been hacked, or are otherwise malicious.
  • MailQueue - Display an aggregate of all mail queues that reside in your ClueGetter cluster. Filter based on instance, recipient(/domain), sender(/domain) and delete or requeue selections of items in the queue.
  • Lua Modules - Write your own modules using Lua.
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