This release contains many infrastructure improvements and the addition of many basic capabilities.
- Extensive updates to Data Repository
- Discretization
- Finite element interface
- Kernel launching interface looping abstraction
- Element formulations for 1st order:
- 8-node hexahedron
- 6-node wedge
- 5-node pyramid
- 4-node tetrahedron
- Cell-centered Finite Volume method with Two-point Flux Approximation (TPFA)
- Hybrid Finite Volume method with TPFA and quasi-TPFA inner products
- Finite element interface
- Physics Solvers
- Solid mechanics explicit on GPU, implicit assembly on GPU
- Single-phase flow (assembly on GPU)
- Classical FVM and Hybrid FVM formulations
- Porous matrix and DFM fracture flow
- Compositional multiphase flow (assembly on GPU)
- Fully implicit isothermal overall composition formulation
- Fluid constitutive models:
- Equation-of-state hydrocarbon compositional
- Three-phase extended black-oil
- Two-phase CO2-brine
- Multi-segmented wells for single phase and compositional multiphase flow (assembly on GPU)
- Surface Generation
- Topology change (legacy GEOS approach)
- Embedded Discrete Fractures
- Enriched finite element method for the discretization of the mechanics
- Piecewise constant displacement jump enrichment
- Hydrofracture solver (legacy GEOS approach)
- Small strain aligned contact using Lagrange multipliers
- Discrete fracture model using a low-order stabilized mixed finite element method
- Proppant Transport Solver
- FVM formulation
- Major physical processes modeled:
- Proppant-fluid slurry flow and multicomponent transport in fractures
- Proppant gravitational settling
- Proppant bed build-up and development space
- Mesh Structure
- Introduced the concept of extrinsic mesh data
- Fracture elements to represent FV cells in fractures
- VTK output
- Linear algebra interface layers for Hypre, Trilinos, Petsc
- Common interface for supported linear algebra packages
- Krylov solvers (CG, GMRES, BiCGSTAB)
- Preconditioners (algebraic multigrid, incomplete factorizations)
- Block matrix and vector support
- Serial and parallel direct solvers