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Releases: GEOS-ESM/GEOSctm

Fixed setup when cloning

27 Dec 17:30
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The post-processing for a cloned CTM experiment was broken; it is now fixed.

Fixed advection

10 Dec 15:39
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Two fixes:
AdvCore had occasionally returned small negative values, due to an intialization issue; this is now fixed. (Non zero diff)
Also, the run script now properly checks success/failure of the simulation, so failures no longer result in a recursive SLURM loop.

v2.2.3 on 2024-08-26: Runs on SLES15

26 Aug 13:22
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This release supports SLES15 (Milan nodes) as well as SLES12 (CascadeLake nodes) at NCCS. The SLES12 version is zero-diff with the prior release. The SLES15 version is non-zero-diff, but looks to be within round-off.

jan2023 minor update

12 Jan 17:31
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This release is zero-diff from the previous release (v2.2.1).
Debugged the run script issue that prevented using MERRA2 met fields for 2010, or for dates after 2020.
The setup script is better aligned with the GCM setup script, which should make updates in GCM easier to replicate in CTM.
References to REPLAY have been removed, since CTM does not run in REPLAY mode.
GitHub Actions are now used for Label Enforcement.

mar2022 - refactored convection & enhancements

28 Apr 17:03
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Zero diff to previous release, if PLE is read from file; roundoff differences if PLE is computed.
New CTM options:

  • CTM can generate courant numbers and mass fluxes needed for advection, or read them in.
  • PLE is now computed from AK and BK; option to read in as before.
  • CTM Hist component now handles output of forcing data (optional).

dec2021 - keep pace with GCM

08 Dec 16:45
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Non-zero-diff but within roundoff of previous release, due to skylake nodes now being the default (NCCS).
Zero diff with the previous release when run on the same nodes, and without I_MPI_CBWR defined in the run script.

This release changes the default choice of nodes from haswell to skylake (NCCS), and introduces the I_MPI_CBWR env var which provides consistent MPI behavior regardless of "cpu per node" count.

All repositories are now in line with GEOSgcm v10.19.4. All chemistry modules are handled properly in the setup script, except GEOS-Chem which needs a bit of customization in the experiment (both here and in GCM as well).

Complete set of notes, for the GCM components:

Update 2021-08-30

30 Aug 19:38
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Non-zero-diff, generally within round-off of the previous release.
(The new version of MAPL includes a bug-fix that is non-zero-diff for OPS GOCART.)

All repositories are now in line with GEOSgcm v10.19.3, with the exception of MAPL which required a bug fix. All chemistry modules are handled properly in the setup script, except GEOS-Chem which needs a bit of customization in the experiment (both here and in GCM as well).

Complete set of notes, for the GCM components:

Update 2021-06-21

21 Jun 13:56
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Zero Diff
All repositories are now in line with GEOSgcm v10.19.2 . All chemistry modules are handled properly in the setup script, except GEOS-Chem which needs a bit of customization in the experiment (both here and in GCM as well).

Complete set of notes, for the GCM components:

Update, June 2021

07 Jun 18:06
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All repositories are in line with GEOSgcm v10.19.1 . All chemistry modules are handled properly in the setup script, except GEOS-Chem which needs a bit of customization in the experiment (both here and in GCM as well).

Main modification: Updates for MAPL 2.7.0
Complete set of notes, for the GCM components:

Full Update, May 2021

21 May 19:44
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This release incorporates the latest releases of all sub-repo's from the last 14 months. All repositories are in line with GEOSgcm v10.19.0 . All chemistry modules are handled properly in the setup script, except GEOS-Chem which needs a bit of customization in the experiment (both here and in GCM as well).