v17.11.0 - Added PEATCLSM and SMAP L2-based mwRTM parameters
Zero-diff vs. v17.10.0 (except for double vs. single precision differences of lat/lon coordinates and metadata in HISTORY output).
Science changes:
- Catchment model with revised hydrology for peatlands (PEATCLSM) (PR #524, PR #515):
- PEATCLSM hydrology is used for tiles with porosity>=PEATCLSM_POROS_THRESHOLD (default: 0.90 m3/m3) (Bechtold et al. 2019, doi:10.1029/2018MS001574).
- In "NLv5" boundary conditions (bcs), peat tiles are identified through hybridization of PEATMAP and HWSD ancillary data and have porosity=0.93 m3/m3.
- Standard Catchment hydrology is used for all tiles when using earlier bcs versions, which have a maximum porosity of 0.80 m3/m3 (De Lannoy et al. 2015, doi:10.1002/2014MS000330).
- Modified EnKF update_type 10: for PEATCLSM peat tiles, "catdef" is included in EnKF State (PR #529).
- Option to use climatological L-band microwave radiative transfer model (mwRTM) parameters derived from the SMAP L2 passive soil moisture retrievals (PR #521).
- Option to use ensemble of surface meteorological forcing data (PR #453).
- Catchment model with revised hydrology for peatlands (PEATCLSM) (PR #524, PR #515):
Interface change (PR #521):
- Change in ldas_setup resource parameters:
- Requires new or modified ldas_setup configuration (“exeinp”) files.
- mwRTM parameter input file(s) must be provided in subdirectory “./[BCS_RESOLUTION]” and must be named "mwRTM_param.nc4" and (if present) "vegopacity.bin".
- Change in ldas_setup resource parameters:
Bug fixes and other minor changes:
- Output L-band Tb in single-member simulation without perturbations and without data assimilation (SMAP Nature Run) (PR #505).
- Added utility script to compress bit-shaved nc4 output (PR #526).
- Removed EXPDSC and EXPSRC from GEOSldas_HIST.rc template (PR #506).
- Dummy GEOSldas version info in CMake (PR #516).
- Set MAPL_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP to YES by default (PR #523).
- Avoid conflicts of ldas_setup with user environment (PR #518).