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MAPL to NUOPC Wrapper Guide

Kyle Gerheiser edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 1 revision


Included with MAPL is a NUOPC compatibility layer that allows generic MAPL components (or entire MAPL hierarchies) to be run as NUOPC model components with no code changes. This allows MAPL based components to be easily plugged into NUOPC-based models, and take advantage of NUOPC features that are otherwise unavailable in MAPL such as running concurrently on separate PET-lists.


The motivation behind this wrapper is to make MAPL and NUOPC more interopable. Despite both being based on ESMF there was no way for a MAPL component to be run within NUOPC or vice-versa. A previous approach attempted to manually convert the MAPL ExtData component into a NUOPC component by replacing the MAPL code with NUOPC code, but this approach was time-consuming and difficult due to the many implicit assumptions that MAPL makes.

The approach taken in this wrapper is different: it wraps an entire MAPL application or subtree at the Cap level with NUOPC. Through this approach MAPL components can run as they are with no changes to existing code. The NUOPC wrapper simply drives MAPL through a MAPL_Cap object.


The wrapper is a NUOPC Model component that encapsulates a MAPL_Cap object which contains the entire MAPL hierarchy with three children: History, ExtData, and a root component provided by the user, which may have its own children. By wrapping at the cap level MAPL retains all of its functionality and has no knowledge of the NUOPC environment in which it is run.

The NUOPC wrapper acts as a container for the MAPL_CAP and maps its initilization and run routines onto the cap by querying it for necessary information such as fields, grids, states, imports, exports, etc, or by performing actions on it such as stepping the model.

The advantage to this approach is its simplicity and that no changes are needed at the MAPL level. The downside is that the wrapper is fairly heavy and that it is not suitable for wrapping many individual components since each instance of the wraper contains an entire MAPL hierarchy with History and ExtData.

Therefore, this wrapper is best suited for wrapping entire MAPL models or large pieces of it.

Obtaining and Building

The wrapper requires MAPL and NUOPC to build and is included in the develop branch of this repository.


All that's needed to make a MAPL component NUOPC-compatible using this wrapper is a build of the wrapper and the root component's SetService routine. Then, the wrapper is initialized as a NUOPC model component using NUOPC_DriverAddComp or similar routine, and the resulting ESMF_GridComp is initialized with a MAPL CAP.rc file, the MAPL component's SetServices, and a name with a call to "init_wrapper".

use MAPL_NUOPCWrapperMod, only: wrapper_ss => SetServices, init_wrapper
call NUOPC_DriverAddComp(driver, "agcm", wrapper_ss, comp = agcm,
petlist = agcm_petlist, rc = rc)

call init_wrapper(wrapper_gc = agcm, name = "agcm", cap_rc_file =
"AGCM_CAP.rc", root_set_services = gcs_set_services, rc = rc)

Then, in the MAPL CAP.rc file given to the wrapper imports and exports from the MAPL side can be listed which will automatically advertise and realize them in the wrapper's import/export states just like a regular NUOPC component.

For imports add a line called "CAP_IMPORTS:" followed by a list of MAPL import names and terminated by a double colon "::".

For exports it is "CAP_EXPORTS:", and the export name must also be followed by a comma and the MAPL component from which the export can be found.

For example,



In MAPL unsatisfied imports are usually sent to ExtData to be fulfilled by a file, however, the cap intercepts the fields listed in the CAP_IMPORTS list, and instead adds them to the MAPL_Cap's import state which is then traversed by the NUOPC wrapper and advertised to its import state.

For exports, MAPL's top-level export state is recursively searched for fields from the given field name and component name listed in the CAP_EXPORTS list. Then, the fields are added to the cap's export state, and are used to advertise to the wrapper's export state.

This will automatically advertise and realize the imports and exports for the NUOPC model component that is the wrapper, and can be connected with other components using standard NUOPC connectors.

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