12-20-24 production deploy
What's Changed
- Production deploy 8/29/23 by @stvnrlly in #447
- Production deploy 9/18/23 by @stvnrlly in #475
- Production deploy 9/18/23, part 2 by @stvnrlly in #478
- Production deploy 9/18/23, part 3 by @stvnrlly in #480
- Production deploy 9/22/23 by @stvnrlly in #496
- Production deploy 9/25/23 by @stvnrlly in #503
- Production deploy 9/26/23 by @stvnrlly in #508
- Production deploy 10/2/2023 by @ccostino in #526
- Production deploy 10/31/23 by @stvnrlly in #552
- Production deploy 11/29/23 by @stvnrlly in #635
- Prod deploy 11/30/2023 by @ccostino in #643
- Production deploy 12/13/23 by @stvnrlly in #677
- Production deploy 1/29/24 by @stvnrlly in #766
- Production deploy 1/30/24 by @ccostino in #772
- CSV debug prod deploy by @ccostino in #775
- CSV error handling prod deploy by @ccostino in #777
- One-off API Production Deploy to fix CSV parsing issue - 02-02-2024 by @ccostino in #786
- Production deploy 2/8/24 by @ccostino in #795
- Production Deploy 2/20/2024 by @ccostino in #807
- 2/27/2024 Production Deployment by @ccostino in #821
- Production Deploy 3/6/2024 by @ccostino in #834
- API Production Deploy 3/14/2023 by @ccostino in #846
- API Production Deploy - 3/19/2024 by @ccostino in #859
- API Production Deploy - 3/28/2024 by @ccostino in #877
- Prod deploy - 4/3/24 by @stvnrlly in #892
- Production deploy for 4/9/24 by @stvnrlly in #908
- 04/17/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #929
- 04/18/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #935
- 4/26/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #949
- Production deploy 5/10/2024 by @stvnrlly in #980
- 05/30/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1036
- 06/26/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1120
- 06/26/2024 Production Deploy #2 by @ccostino in #1124
- 06/26/2024 Production Deploy #3 by @ccostino in #1126
- 06/26/2024 Production Release #4 by @ccostino in #1128
- 06/27/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1138
- 07/02/2024 Production Release by @ccostino in #1156
- 07/03/2024 Production Release by @ccostino in #1163
- 07/05/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1171
- 07/16/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1186
- 7/24/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1211
- 7/25/2024 Follow-up production release by @ccostino in #1214
- 7/29/2024 Production Deploy for logging improvements by @ccostino in #1220
- 8/15/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1273
- 8/16/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1275
- Production Deploy 8/19/2024 by @ccostino in #1278
- 8/30/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1308
- 9/18/24 production deploy by @stvnrlly in #1335
- 10/16/24 production deploy by @xlorepdarkhelm in #1366
- 10-16-2024 Production Deploy #2 by @ccostino in #1368
- 10-16-2024 Production Hot Fix by @ccostino in #1370
- 10-16-2024 Production Deploy Hot Fix #2 by @ccostino in #1373
- 11/04/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1388
- 11/05/2024 Production Hot Fix Deploy by @ccostino in #1398
- 11/6/24 Production deploy by @stvnrlly in #1401
- 11/6/24 Production deploy #2 by @stvnrlly in #1403
- 11/14/2024 Production Deploy by @ccostino in #1416
- 11/14/2024 Production Deploy Update - Celery Worker config by @ccostino in #1418
- 11/15/2024 Celery Worker config adjustment by @ccostino in #1420
- 11/26/2024 Production Deploy by @A-Shumway42 in #1438
- increase db size from micro to small on staging by @terrazoon in #1439
- upgrade demo and production dbs by @terrazoon in #1440
- 11/26/24 Production and Demo DB upgrades by @ccostino in #1441
- fix notification insert retry logic by @terrazoon in #1450
- fix broken go live email notification by @terrazoon in #1443
- 12/2/24 - 12/3/24 Production Deploy - DB insert retry and go live email fixes by @ccostino in #1451
- change create notification to only insert once by @terrazoon in #1455
- Update restage workflow to use latest cg-cli-tools by @ccostino in #1456
- Bump production Redis plan to 5node-large by @ccostino in #1458
- 12/4/2024 Production Deploy - large batch hotfixes by @ccostino in #1460
- Revert Redis plan back by @ccostino in #1461
- add expire times for redis objects by @terrazoon in #1463
- 12/4/2024 Production Deploy Hotfix 2 by @ccostino in #1462
- change retry schedule by @terrazoon in #1470
- change worker_max_tasks_per_child to 2000 by @terrazoon in #1472
- 12/11/2024 Production Deployment API hotfixes by @ccostino in #1475
- add message_id column to notifications by @terrazoon in #1474
- Revert previous hotfixes by @ccostino in #1477
- change retries by @terrazoon in #1482
- start writing message ids to the notifications table by @terrazoon in #1485
- fix census BOM error by @terrazoon in #1489
- stop workers from propagating logs by @terrazoon in #1491
- remove tasks from redis after they complete by @terrazoon in #1492
Full Changelog: 11-26-2024...12-20-24