A Node.js library to stream blocks from GalaChain or Hyperledger Fabric network as RxJS Observables.
import stream from "@gala-chain/stream";
next: (block) => {
console.log("Block:", block.blockNumber);
error: (err) => {
console.error("Error:", err);
complete: () => {
console.log("Stream completed");
The previous sample connects to the network, subscribes to the product-channel
channel, and starts streaming blocks from block number 9.
It will get all transactions in the block, even invalid ones (e.g. those that failed with MVCC error).
To get only valid transactions, you need to filter them out manually by transaction validation code.
Using that sample is also hard and non-performant to filter given transactions (e.g. by chaincode name). This is why we support also a way to get only transactions that are valid and match given criteria:
import stream from "@gala-chain/stream";
.transactions(({ method }) => method === "GalaChainToken:TransferToken")
next: (tx) => {
console.log("Transaction:", tx.id, "from block:", tx.blockNumber);
error: (err) => {
console.error("Error:", err);
complete: () => {
console.log("Stream completed");
The config
object should contain all the configuration needed to connect to the network.
It can also be skipped to get default configuration, which is:
const config = {
ca: {
url: "https://localhost:7040",
name: "ca.curator.local",
orgMsp: "CuratorOrg"
user: {
userId: "admin",
userSecret: "adminpw"
peer: {
url: "grpcs://localhost:7041",
tlsCACertPath: "./test-chaincode/test-network/fablo-target/fabric-config/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/curator.local/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.curator.local-cert.pem",
grpcHostnameOverride: "peer0.curator.local"
stream: {
chainInfoPollingIntervalMs: 2000,
intervalMs: 1000,
batchSize: 10,
retryOnErrorDelayMs: 5000,
maxRetryCount: 5
See also the usage sample at ./src/sample-transactions.ts
This section describes how to create a GalaChain local network, fill it with some data and then stream blocks from it.
Step 1: Install the GalaChain CLI
npm install -g @gala-chain/cli
Step 2: Create a sample chaincode in the current directory
galachain init test-chaincode
Step 3: Start the network for test chaincode
(cd test-chaincode && npm run network:up)
Step 4: Run the e2e tests for the chaincode to populate the network with some data
(cd .. && npm run test:e2e --prefix test-chaincode)
Step 5: Stream blocks or transactions from the network
npx ts-node src/sample-blocks.ts
npx ts-node src/sample-transactions.ts
Once you're done, you can stop the network by running:
(cd test-chaincode && npm run network:prune)