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Inject concrete values back into symbolic expressions
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langston-barrett committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent 20b8dac commit c6d1430
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Showing 3 changed files with 175 additions and 5 deletions.
171 changes: 167 additions & 4 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Concretize.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,9 +37,14 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Concretize
, concRegValue
, concRegEntry
, concRegMap
-- * There and back again
, IntrinsicConcToSymFn(..)
, concToSym
) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,9 +103,9 @@ type family ConcRegValue sym tp where
ConcRegValue sym (SequenceType tp) = [ConcRV' sym tp]
ConcRegValue sym (StructType ctx) = Ctx.Assignment (ConcRV' sym) ctx
ConcRegValue sym (VariantType ctx) = Ctx.Assignment (ConcVariantBranch sym) ctx
ConcRegValue sym (ReferenceType tp) = [RefCell tp]
ConcRegValue sym (ReferenceType tp) = NonEmpty (RefCell tp)
ConcRegValue sym (WordMapType w tp) = () -- TODO: possible to do something meaningful?
ConcRegValue sym (RecursiveType nm ctx) = ConcRegValue sym (UnrollType nm ctx)
ConcRegValue sym (RecursiveType nm ctx) = (ConcRegValue sym (UnrollType nm ctx))
ConcRegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx) = ConcIntrinsic nm ctx
ConcRegValue sym (StringMapType tp) = Map Text (ConcRV' sym tp)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,8 +273,14 @@ concMux ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
ConcCtx sym t ->
MuxTree.MuxTree sym a ->
IO [a]
concMux ctx = go . MuxTree.viewMuxTree
IO (NonEmpty a)
concMux ctx mt = do
l <- go (MuxTree.viewMuxTree mt)
case NE.nonEmpty l of
-- This is impossible because the only way to make a MuxTree is with
-- `toMuxTree`, which uses `truePred`.
Nothing -> fail "Impossible: Mux tree had no feasible branches?"
Just ne -> pure ne
go [] = pure []
go ((val, p):xs) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,3 +440,155 @@ concRegMap ::
RegMap sym tps ->
IO (Ctx.Assignment (ConcRV' sym) tps)
concRegMap ctx (RM.RegMap m) = traverseFC (fmap ConcRV' . concRegEntry ctx) m

-- * concToSym

-- | Function for re-symbolizing an intrinsic type
type IntrinsicConcToSymFn :: Symbol -> Type
newtype IntrinsicConcToSymFn nm
= IntrinsicConcToSymFn
(forall sym ctx.
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Ctx.Assignment TypeRepr ctx ->
ConcIntrinsic nm ctx ->
IO (RegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx)))

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymAny ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
ConcRegValue sym AnyType ->
IO (RegValue sym AnyType)
concToSymAny sym iFns (ConcAnyValue tp' (ConcRV' v')) =
RV.AnyValue tp' <$> concToSym sym iFns tp' v'

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymFn ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
Ctx.Assignment (TypeRepr) as ->
TypeRepr r ->
ConcRegValue sym (FunctionHandleType as r) ->
IO (RegValue sym (FunctionHandleType as r))
concToSymFn sym iFns as r f =
case f of
ConcClosureFnVal clos vtp (ConcRV' v) -> do
v' <- concToSym sym iFns vtp v
clos' <- concToSymFn sym iFns (as Ctx.:> vtp) r clos
pure (RV.ClosureFnVal clos' vtp v')

ConcVarargsFnVal hdl extra ->
pure (RV.VarargsFnVal hdl extra)

ConcHandleFnVal hdl ->
pure (RV.HandleFnVal hdl)

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymIntrinsic ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
SymbolRepr nm ->
CtxRepr ctx ->
ConcRegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx) ->
IO (RegValue sym (IntrinsicType nm ctx))
concToSymIntrinsic sym iFns nm tyCtx v =
case MapF.lookup nm iFns of
Nothing ->
let strNm = Text.unpack (symbolRepr nm) in
fail ("Missing concretization function for intrinsic: " ++ strNm)
Just (IntrinsicConcToSymFn f) -> f sym tyCtx v

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymMaybe ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
TypeRepr tp ->
ConcRegValue sym (MaybeType tp) ->
IO (RegValue sym (MaybeType tp))
concToSymMaybe sym iFns tp =
Nothing -> pure (W4P.Err ())
Just v ->
W4P.justPartExpr sym <$> concToSym sym iFns tp v

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymRef ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
ConcRegValue sym (ReferenceType tp) ->
IO (RegValue sym (ReferenceType tp))
concToSymRef sym (v NE.:| _) = pure (MuxTree.toMuxTree sym v)

-- | Helper, not exported
concToSymVariant ::
forall sym tps.
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
CtxRepr tps ->
ConcRegValue sym (VariantType tps) ->
IO (RegValue sym (VariantType tps))
concToSymVariant sym iFns tps v = Ctx.zipWithM go tps v
go :: forall tp. TypeRepr tp -> ConcVariantBranch sym tp -> IO (RV.VariantBranch sym tp)
go tp (ConcVariantBranch b) =
case b of
Nothing -> pure (RV.VB (W4P.Err ()))
Just (ConcRV' v') ->
RV.VB . W4P.justPartExpr sym <$> concToSym sym iFns tp v'

-- | Inject a 'ConcRegValue' back into a 'RegValue'.
concToSym ::
W4I.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MapF SymbolRepr IntrinsicConcToSymFn ->
TypeRepr tp ->
ConcRegValue sym tp ->
IO (RegValue sym tp)
concToSym sym iFns tp v =
case tp of
-- Base types
BoolRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseBoolRepr v
BVRepr width -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseBVRepr width) v
ComplexRealRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseComplexRepr v
FloatRepr _ -> fail "concToSym does not yet support floats"
IEEEFloatRepr fpp -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseFloatRepr fpp) v
IntegerRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseIntegerRepr v
NatRepr -> W4I.integerToNat sym =<< W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseIntegerRepr v
RealValRepr -> W4GE.groundToSym sym BaseRealRepr v
StringRepr si -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseStringRepr si) v
SymbolicArrayRepr idxs tp' -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseArrayRepr idxs tp') v
SymbolicStructRepr tys -> W4GE.groundToSym sym (BaseStructRepr tys) v

-- Trivial cases
UnitRepr -> pure ()
CharRepr -> pure v

-- Simple recursive cases
RecursiveRepr symb tyCtx ->
RV.RolledType <$> concToSym sym iFns (unrollType symb tyCtx) v
SequenceRepr tp' ->
SymSeq.fromListSymSequence sym =<< traverse (concToSym sym iFns tp' . unConcRV') v
StringMapRepr tp' ->
traverse (fmap (W4P.justPartExpr sym) . concToSym sym iFns tp' . unConcRV') v
StructRepr tps ->
Ctx.zipWithM (\tp' (ConcRV' v') -> RV.RV <$> concToSym sym iFns tp' v') tps v
VectorRepr tp' ->
traverse (concToSym sym iFns tp' . unConcRV') v

-- Cases with helper functions
AnyRepr -> concToSymAny sym iFns v
MaybeRepr tp' -> concToSymMaybe sym iFns tp' v
FunctionHandleRepr args ret -> concToSymFn sym iFns args ret v
IntrinsicRepr nm tyCtx -> concToSymIntrinsic sym iFns nm tyCtx v
ReferenceRepr _tp' -> concToSymRef sym v
VariantRepr tps -> concToSymVariant sym iFns tps v

-- Incomplete cases
WordMapRepr _ _ -> fail "concToSym does not yet support WordMap"
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Simulator/SymSequence.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SymSequence
( SymSequence(..)
, nilSymSequence
, consSymSequence
, fromListSymSequence
, appendSymSequence
, muxSymSequence
, isNilSymSequence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,6 +168,12 @@ consSymSequence _sym x xs =
do n <- freshNonce globalNonceGenerator
pure (SymSequenceCons n x xs)

fromListSymSequence :: sym -> [a] -> IO (SymSequence sym a)
fromListSymSequence sym =
[] -> nilSymSequence sym
(x:xs) -> consSymSequence sym x =<< fromListSymSequence sym xs

-- | Append two sequences
appendSymSequence ::
sym ->
Expand Down

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