A virtual machine of ternary computer Setun, also known as "Small Automatic Digital Machine" (in Russian: МЦВМ " Сетунь") written on C
Build and run
As a result you will see dump of register and memory structure of VM after run some tests:
[ Start Setun-1958 ]
reg C = 00001
A*=[-+++-], ( -43), k6..8[-+-] : Норм.(S)=>(A*); (N)=>(S)
A*=[-0+-+], ( -74), k6..8[+0-] : (S)-(A*)=>(S)
A*=[+0+-+], ( 88), k6..8[0+-] : A*=>(C) при w=0
A*=[0-++-], ( -16), k6..8[000] : A*=>(C)
A*=[-+0--], ( -58), k6..8[+0-] : (S)-(A*)=>(S)
A*=[-+0+-], ( -52), k6..8[+0-] : (S)-(A*)=>(S)
A*=[-+0--], ( -58), k6..8[+-+] : (A*)=>(R)
A*=[-+-+-], ( -61), k6..8[+++] : (S)+(A*)(R)=>(S)
A*=[-+-+-], ( -61), k6..8[++-] : (A*)+(S)(R)=>(S)
A*=[-+-+-], ( -61), k6..8[+0-] : (S)-(A*)=>(S)
A*=[+0-++], ( 76), k6..8[0+-] : A*=>(C) при w=0
A*=[+-+-0], ( 60), k6..8[0--] : (F)+(A*)=>(F)
A*=[++0-+], ( 106), k6..8[0+-] : A*=>(C) при w=+1
A*=[+0-00], ( 72), k6..8[-00] : STOP
[ Registers Setun-1958: ]
K: [10-100-1000], (5805), 1Z0X0
F: [-1110-11000], (-3699), Z4Z30
C: [100-11], (79), 10Y
W: [-1], (-1), Z
ph1: [0], (0), 0
ph2: [0], (0), 0
S: [000000000000000000], (0), 0000000000
R: [000000000000000000], (0), 0000000000
MB: [0000], (0), 000
[ Stop Setun-1958 ]
folders - virtual device files like tty and othersDocumentation
folder contains collection of documentation and program (Programming
folder) examples
Materials on ternary computer science - http://ternarycomp.cs.msu.su/ Emulator of the first ternary Soviet "Setun" - http://trinary.su/projects/ Unique Setun based on the ternary code - https://habr.com/ru/company/ua-hosting/blog/273929/
Everybody is invited and welcome to contribute to Setun VM.
- Current version: 1.30
- Create date: 01.11.2018